¿Necesitas una línea de afianzamiento?

Una línea de afianzamiento permite a las empresas la capacidad suficiente para garantizar sus contratos a corto o largo plazo, así como expedir fianzas a la brevedad agilizando trámites y beneficiando las relaciones comerciales.

La línea de afianzamiento crece en proporción directa al tipo de garantías que el cliente ofrece a las compañías afianzadoras, así como a la cancelación oportuna de sus obligaciones, por lo que una adecuada mezcla y calidad de garantías ofrecidas  permite negociar con las afianzadoras líneas especiales y suficientes.

La líneas de afianzamiento proveen a las empresas de beneficios como:

  • Suscripción de manera anticipada
  • Una rápida expedición de la fianza.
  • Cumplimiento en los tiempos de entrega señalados en los contratos
  • Control de las obligaciones y garantías establecidas.

En NRGI Broker nos caracterizamos por ofrecer una amplia capacidad de análisis financiero y operativo, ya que optimizamos resultados al diseñar esquemas de afianzamiento que  se amplían de acuerdo a los requerimientos de nuestros clientes.

Nuestras Ventajas Competitivas:

  • Un vasto conocimiento  en la adaptación de garantías en el extranjero de clientes internacionales.
  • Nuestra reconocida experiencia financiera  se refleja en la optimización de  las garantías de su empresa.
  • Negociamos condiciones preferenciales para optimizar su capacidad de afianzamiento
  • Contamos con un estricto control de calidad en la suscripción, que elimina los errores en el texto de la fianza.
  • Entregamos sus pólizas directamente al beneficiario.
  • Damos seguimiento permanente a la cancelación de fianzas e incremento continuo de su línea de afianzamiento.
  • Brindamos asesoría  paso a paso cuando hay que hacer frente a una reclamación de  fianzas.


Wood Mac: Deepwater Gulf of Mexico to be ‘Resilient’ in 2015

Deepwater Gulf of Mexico (GOM) is proving to be resilient in the face of a sharp decline in oil prices. We expect momentum from 2014, which marked the first year of production growth since 2009, to continue in 2015. Six new projects are expected to come online this year, which are expected to bring an additional 177,000 boe/d in new production. The number of rigs contracted is also close to record levels. Development capex is projected to increase for the fifth year in a row and reach a record level of $14.9 billion. This activity will to lead to a sharp increase in production, which we anticipate to grow 23 percent this year and reach 1.6 mmboe/d.

The robust level of GOM activity is expected to remain buoyant over the short-term due to lower breakeven costs for sanctioned projects. The mix of sunk E&A wells and facility costs creates attractive projects on a point-forward basis. Lucius, Jack/ St. Malo and Tubular Bells all started up in the past six months and had breakevens of US$10-US$50 at first production. The advantage in point-forward breakevens for sanctioned projects is significant compared to some pre-FID projects with breakevens as high as $60-$80/bbl. Additionally, GOM developments are less impacted by  short-term oil price uncertainty due to the long life profiles (30-40 years) for typical stand-alone projects. While onshore shale wells can decline as much as 80 percent on an annual basis, the typical offshore well decline is 30 percent.

Due to the massive influx of newbuild rigs in the Gulf, Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs) are operating at almost record levels with rigs contracted for development drilling leading the activity. Small independent players have less flexibility for shuffling rig activity given portfolios limited in scale. While Majors can re-direct rigs globally within the portfolio, GOM is seen as a core area for several players. The current environment presents a counter-cyclical opportunity for players with strong balance sheets that can capitalise on lower rig and service costs. However, should oil prices remain lower for a prolonged period of time, operators might choose to let rig contracts expire and pull back on Ultra Deep Water (UDW) frontier drilling activity.

In the short term, GOM is expected to defy the overall trend and sentiment in the lower oil price environment, but if oil prices remain depressed for an extended period, the long term outlook of the region changes drastically. Projects like Kaskida, North Platte, Shenandoah, and Tiber have point forward breakevens in the ~$70-80 range as currently modelled. All of these projects possess high development costs, but there is value to be found in the large reserve size. Under our current price forecast, our base case valuation for these fields ranges from $0.6 – 1.5 billion, NPV10. However, if we hold the oil price at $60/bbl permanently, the base case for these fields drops to the range of $-1.7 – 1.1 billion, NPV10.

All four of the aforementioned fields are in the Lower Tertiary play, which is in the very early stages of development. Consequently, development costs are high and well performance is uncertain, making the play most vulnerable should the oil price remain low. The reserves potential in the play is high, but if the projects are uneconomic, it’s possible that operators won’t develop these existing projects, much less continue exploring in the play.

GOM as it stands in the current price environment is bucking the trend of decreased drilling and massive capital spend reductions. However, if the low oil price persists and operators can’t develop unique ways to decrease the capital required for new projects and/or improve recovery rates, projects will slip and it will be difficult for the region to sustain high level of activity and maintain production growth.

Copyright Rigzone


¿Qué son las fianzas?

Una fianza es un contrato por medio del cual una compañía solvente por definición de ley,  garantiza el cumplimiento de las obligaciones de un tercero frente a un beneficiario.

Cuando se presenta una situación por la cual el deudor no llega a cumplir con las obligaciones estipuladas, la institución afianzadora hace frente a dichas obligaciones, para posteriormente recuperar el monto de la reclamación pagada al beneficiario.

Es importante diferenciar entre la fianza y el seguro, ya que un seguro protege los bienes contra imprevistos que pudieran suceder como accidentes, robos, desastres naturales, etc… mientras que la fianza protege los intereses de un tercero denominado fiado, contra los imprevistos que el contratante de la fianza pueda originarle.

Existen diferentes tipos de fianzas y estas dependen de la obligación que se desee garantizar:

  • Fianzas de Fidelidad: compensa al patrón del daño patrimonial que pudiera causar uno de sus empleados en sus bienes o bienes de terceros de los que sea responsable legalmente. Los delitos que cubre son: robo, fraude, abuso de confianza y peculado.
  • Fianza de Crédito: garantiza ante personas morales y fechas definidas el pago de un crédito otorgado en la compra de bienes, servicios o de un financiamiento obtenido a través de distintos beneficiarios.
  • Fianzas Administrativas: garantiza el cumplimiento de cualquier obligación, válida, legal y de contenido económico, que se realiza entre entidades del gobierno federal o particulares.
  • Fianzas Judiciales: garantiza el cumplimiento de obligaciones específicas solicitadas por particulares dentro de un procedimiento judicial o derivado de resoluciones jurídicas.

Cada una de las anteriores tiene diferentes especificaciones que permiten respaldar a las personas o entidades ante situaciones más particulares.

Fianzas para PEMEX

Como especialistas en el sector energético, NRGI Broker es experto en los tipos de fianzas que requieren las empresas privadas para establecer una relación de trabajo con Petróleos Mexicanos o sus filiales como PEMEX Exploración y Producción.

Aquí presentamos los tipos de fianzas que se requieren generalmente en dichos tratos comerciales:

  • Uso Adecuado de Anticipos
  • Cumplimiento de Contrato
  • Buena Calidad y Vicios Ocultos
  • Renta de Maquinaria y Embarcaciones


Pemex Plans To Compete In Mexico’s First Two Oil Tenders

(Reuters) – Mexican state-owned oil company Pemex plans to take part in the first two public tenders of the so-called Round One opening of the country’s oil and gas industry, a senior executive said on Thursday.

Mexico has already announced terms and conditions for the first phase of the sector opening, which follows a reform finalized last year that ended Pemex’s 75-year-old oil and gas monopoly in a bid to attract more private investment.

Gustavo Hernandez, Pemex’s head of exploration and production, said the firm would take part in the “first two tenders” – one for 14 production and exploration areas and the second for five contracts spread over nine production fields.

A lot of companies have approached Pemex because we have knowledge of the shallow water basin with more than 40 years of exploration and 35 years of production,” Hernandez told reporters after an event in Mexico City.

Mexico has opened the oil and gas industry in a bid to end a decade-long slide in production. But the reform has been blunted by the sharp decline in crude prices in recent months. (Reporting by Adriana Barrera; Editing by Dan Grebler)

Copyright Reuters


Mexico’s Cemex creates electricity unit to tap into energy reform

Feb 19 (Reuters) – Mexican cement-maker Cemex said on Thursday it has created an energy division to take advantage of Mexico’s landmark energy reform, and launch power projects that could provide up to 5 percent of Mexico’s electricity requirements within five years.

Cemex has struggled with a large debt load and cost-cutting since an ill-timed $16 billion takeover of Australian rival Rinker in 2007, when the U.S. housing market nosedived.

In recent years the company has been slashing costs and looking to sell assets to regain a coveted investment grade rating. Cemex executives are hopeful that Mexico’s energy reform will be a lucrative new path for the giant cement-maker.

We are very enthusiastic about Mexico’s energy sector future, and we will leverage on our experience in developing projects that benefit the country, Cemex Chief Executive Officer Fernando Gonzalez said in the statement.

The company will invest $30 million in the new unit, to be called Cemex Energia, over the next five years, the statement said.

Cemex also said it had signed a joint venture agreement with Pattern Energy Group Inc, which owns wind power projects, to create 1,000 megawatts of renewable power in Mexico within the next half decade.

In a separate statement, Pattern said new legislation in Mexico, which mandates that 35 percent of Mexico’s power must come from renewable sources by 2024, prompted it to expand into Latin America’s second largest economy.

Mexico’s energy reform, finalized last year, is President Enrique Pena Nieto’s big bet to kick-start Mexico’s long-lagging economy, by bringing private investors into the country’s ailing oil, gas and electricity sectors to stem a 10-year decline in crude output and steep power costs for manufacturers. (Reporting by Cyntia Barrera; Writing by Gabriel Stargardter; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe)


Copyright Reuteurs

Photo by Secretlondon (Own work)