Benefits of having line bonds

A line of bonds work as a credit line with the surety that allows companies to have sufficient capacity to ensure their contracts short or long term as well as bonds issued shortly benefiting expediting procedures and trade relations.

Line bonds grow in direct the type of guarantees that the client provides surety companies proportion and the timely cancellation of their obligations, so an appropriate mix and quality assurances can negotiate with sureties special lines and sufficient.

The benefits of having a line bond are the following:

  • Subscription advance

  • A quick issuance of the bond.

  • Compliance in delivery times indicated in the contracts

  • Control of obligations and guarantees established.

In NRGI Broker We want to be the strength to your operations bonds, through our personalized service, so we developed assurance programs tailored to each client maximize the capacity strengthening of our customers in the long run.

In NRGI Broker we have an expert team in bonds that will provide comprehensive solutions, with proven products that adapt to suit your needs.


Contact us, we are here to help:

[email protected]
(55) 9177.2100