La “Reforma Energética”de 2013 significó una apertura al sector privadoen esferas antes reservadas exclusivamente a órganos gubernamentales, tales como los sectores de infraestructura, hidrocarburos y energía; propiciando un modelo estratégico en el que los inversionistas pueden ser participantes en el desarrollo de proyectos de estos rubros como Empresas Productivas del Estado (EPE).

Estas EPE cuentan con personalidad jurídica y patrimonio propios, así como cierta autonomía que las empresas paraestatales y empresas públicas carecen; otorgando la posibilidad de abrir los sectores señalados con anterioridad a un panorama competitivo en el mercado mexicano. Con este nuevo paradigma, las prospectivas de los sectores eléctrico, de hidrocarburos y de energías renovables se amplían, como lo demuestran las siguientes cifras dentro de los documentos emitidos por la Secretaría de Energía (Prospectivas 2017-2031):

  • La producción estimada de aceite (miles de barriles diarios) aumenta de 1,964 a 3,252 al año 2031.
  • En el 2016, la capacidad instalada del Sistema Eléctrico Nacional se ubicó en 73,510 MW; pronosticando que para el 2031, esta cifra aumente hasta 113,269 MW.
  • En el 2016, existía un balance en el que la Energía Convencional comprendía un 71.2% y la Energía Limpia un 28.8% de la capacidad instalada por tipo de tecnología; previendo para el 2031 que la Energía Convencional ocupe un 50.4% y la Energía Limpia un 49.6%.
  • El incremento esperado de procesamiento de crudo es de 79.6% para el periodo 2017-2031.

Estos son ejemplos de las altas expectativas que se tienen del crecimiento en cuanto a producción, desarrollo y consumo de Energía e Hidrocarburos en poco más de una década. Con lo anterior en consideración, se debe prever que Empresas Productivas del Estado podrán realizar las siguientes actividades encaminadas a alcanzar estos Pronósticos:

  • Sector Hidrocarburos:Exploración superficial marítima y sísmica terrestre; Exploración y Extracción de hidrocarburos; Tratamiento y Refinación de Petróleo; Transporte de Hidrocarburos, Petrolíferos y Petroquímicos; Almacenamiento de Hidrocarburos, Petrolíferos y Petroquímicos; Distribución de Gas Natural y Petrolíferos; Compresión, licuefacción, descompresión y regasificación de Gas Natural; y Expendio al público de Gas Natural y Petrolíferos.
  • Sector Electricidad:Generación de Energía Eléctrica y Servicio público de transmisión y distribución de energía eléctrica.


En este tenor, es importante mencionar que la realización de todas estas actividades requerirán de la presentación de un estudio técnico denominado Evaluación de Impacto Social (EVIS), el cual contiene la identificación de las comunidades y pueblos ubicados en el área de influencia de un proyecto, así como la identificación, caracterización, predicción y valoración de las consecuencias a la población que podrían derivarse del mismo y las medidas de mitigación y planes de gestión social correspondientes.

En congruencia con lo establecido en la Ley de la Industria Eléctrica (LIE) y la Ley de Hidrocarburos, el 01 de junio de 2018, se publicó en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el Acuerdo por el que se emiten las Disposiciones Administrativas de Carácter General sobre la Evaluación de Impacto Social en el Sector Energético(el “Acuerdo”).

Dentro de este Acuerdo, se establece la metodología y criterios necesarios para la presentación del EVIS, un avance para la calidad de estos estudios por motivos de que la regulación y los lineamientos necesarios para la su elaboración eran escasos y no existían lineamientos definidos que pudieran usarse como base para las Empresas Productivas del Estado.

Finalmente, no se debe perder de vista la estrecha relación existente entre la Evaluación de Impacto Social y la Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental (EIA), en el entendido que la primera es un prerrequisito para la autorización de la EIA. Es requisito para los regulados contar en forma previa con las autorizaciones de ambos estudios para el desarrollo de los proyectos encaminados a los sectores de Energía e Hidrocarburos. En la siguiente figura se muestra el proceso de elaboración y evaluación de las EVIS.

Con más de 20 años de experiencia, cobertura internacional y fuerte compromiso con la sustentabilidad, la innovación y la calidad de nuestros servicios en el sector hidrocarburos, energía, turismo, desarrollo urbano,  infraestructura, medio ambiente y minería; hemos conformado un catálogo de productos y servicios con valor agregado que resuelva en forma sistémica las necesidades de nuestros clientes y grupos de interés, en materia de planeación, manejo, gestión ambiental y desarrollo sostenible, incluyendo la elaboración de EVIS y la EIA. Para ello, ponemos a su disposición la red más amplia y especializada de expertos a nivel nacional e internacional, ofreciendo una plataforma integral en la materia, trazando las alternativas y estrategias necesarias para el correcto desarrollo de Proyectos Sustentables en México, entre ellos.

Para mayor información y cualquier duda o necesidad derivada de la información presentada en el presente boletín, estamos a su disposición a través de:


Consultores en Gestión Política y Planificación Ambiental, S.C.

David Zárate Lomelí

Director General

Teléfono: (998) 6 88 08 75

E-mail: [email protected]



Energy Insurance Broker, Agente de Seguros y de Fianzas, S.A.P.I. de C.V.

Graciela Álvarez Hoth


Teléfono: (55) 9177 2100

E-mail: [email protected]


Is Mexico Set To Boost Oil Output?

Oil Price / By The Dialogue / August 16


On July 27, Mexican president-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador said his government will earmark more than $9 billion for state-run energy companies next year and start working on a new oil refinery in southern Mexico. The moves seek to reduce reliance on fuel imports from the United States while boosting the country’s oil production, which has significantly fallen off in recent years. López Obrador did not say how he would fund his proposals, an omission that worries analysts concerned about Pemex’s already heavy debt burden. He also announced Octavio Romero Oropeza as the incoming head of Pemex. Will the promised investment help accelerate Pemex’s oil and gas production? What else is needed to boost output? How well prepared is Romero Oropeza to lead Pemex, and what should his priorities be? Four Mexican energy experts weighed in with their opinions on these developments.

George Baker, publisher of Mexico Energy Intelligence in Houston: The 116-page energy sector document that the Morena transition team issued on July 10 sports both good and bad ideas. First, among the good ideas, is advocating independent unions in the oil sector (the first time since 1935 that a political party has done this). Second is suspending until further review the so-called farm-outs of Pemex—the idea that civil servants (Pemex employees) and market-disciplined managers of oil companies can have a joint venture based on sharing risk and reward only makes sense on paper. Third is promoting the concept of intelligent cities, including low energy consumption, renewable energy and intelligent grids. A fourth good idea is expanding the grid of natural gas pipelines and the use of renewable energy sources and cogeneration. Among the bad ideas: first is reactivating the refinery project in Tula and analyzing the construction of another refinery in the Gulf of Mexico. Pemex refinery upgrades have gone badly for the past 20 years, notably in Cadereyta, Villahermosa and Tula. A new refinery could take three years just for design and another three for contracting and financing. López Obrador would likely leave office before the first shovelful of earth was turned for the new refinery. Second is the upgrade of the role of Pemex in the energy space. The Morena team proposes to eliminate the so-called ‘asymmetrical regulations’ that restrict Pemex to compete effectively—to aspire to ‘make Pemex great again’ as a state agency is to ignore global success stories of state oil companies with mixed-equity structures, market financing and professional management. Finally, a third bad idea is to overstate (and obfuscate) the potential for change via public policy: there is nothing that is actionable in statements such as ‘the necessary investments in Pemex should be made,’ or ‘efforts to increase exploration and production of natural gas should be made to favor the petrochemical industry,’ or ‘deepen and coordinate all efforts to eliminate the black market in petroleum products.’ Notably, one word that does not appear in the text is ‘corruption,’ an unexpected omission by a candidate that vowed to end corruption by example. Finally, former Pemex director general Adrián Lajous recently calculated the average tenure of a director general as two years and four months. Pemex, legally configured as an agency of the federal government, always has a dozen cooks in its kitchen of corporate governance. If a director general had the authority to order early retirement for 35,000 Pemex unionized workers, there would be opportunities for leadership.

David Shields, independent energy consultant based in Mexico City: In a previous comment for the Energy Advisor on June 15, I mentioned that President-elect López Obrador’s energy team has excellent, progressive plans in renewable energy. Sadly, the same does not apply to conventional energy. The naming of Octavio Romero and Manuel Bartlett to head state-run Pemex and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) has been severely criticized because of their hardline political, ideological, non-technical, non-business nature. They may be okay for rooting out corruption, but they add to fears that recent energy reforms may be rolled back, even if they and López Obrador himself deny legal amendments will be made. Congress will ultimately decide on this, and the outlook there is bad. Reforms can be reversed in practice, anyway, just through day-to-day opposition. López Obrador says he will push oil output up sharply to 2.5 million barrels per day, but reserves and reservoirs are largely depleted, there are no new discoveries, and there is not enough money for a vast exploration effort. Foreign operators will need several years to develop their projects. His best bet for ramping up output quickly would be fracking, but he promises to prohibit that, thinking that environmental risks will be greater than the benefits. His refining plans are unrealistic, too. López Obrador´s native Tabasco State offers the wrong site and the wrong logistics for a large-scale refinery to be built in just three years. Such a project normally requires two years to study, plan and tender, then another five or six years to build. Even then, it can hardly be profitable if Mexico produces and processes only very heavy crude. Intentions to rescue Pemex and reduce reliance on energy imports are good, but the prospects are not.


Oil Price / By The Dialogue / August 16


Mexican energy sector overhaul could reduce U.S. export demand

Chron / Katherine Blunt / August 6


An ambitious plan to boost Mexico’s oil and gas production could potentially slow the country’s energy sector reforms and hinder trade opportunities for U.S. refiners and pipeline companies that have ramped up exports to meet growing demand there, according to research firm Morningstar.

Mexican president-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced late last month a plan to invest billions of dollars in Pemex, the country’s state-owned energy company, in an effort to  reverse years of declining production. He also reaffirmed his intent to review more than 100 exploration and production contracts awarded to private oil and gas companies since the 2013 reforms, which opened the country’s energy sector to foreign investment for the first time in decades.

Mexico’s energy reforms are enshrined in its constitution, and López Obrador has said that he will he will honor existing contracts so long as they don’t reveal corruption. But Morningstar noted that any effort to scale back the reforms or increase Mexican energy production could jeopardize some $200 billion in outside investments planned for the country’s oil and gas, power, refining and distribution sectors.

Part of López Obrador’s plan involves investing $2.6 billion to upgrade the nation’s six existing refineries as well as building a new, $8.6 billion refinery at the oil port of Dos Bocas in Tabasco. The country’s existing refineries have been operating at less than 70 percent capacity since 2012, according to Mexico’s energy department, requiring the country to import more gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and other refined products.


Chron / Katherine Blunt / August 6


¿Por qué contar con un broker de seguros especializado en energía?

Los seguros son instrumentos financieros de previsión que nos ayudan a reducir la incertidumbre económica sobre acontecimientos súbitos e imprevistos que puedan afectar el patrimonio de las empresas o de las personas. En sentido estricto, se trata de un contrato a través del cual una de las partes (la aseguradora) se compromete, a cambio de una prima, a indemnizar al asegurado en caso de que se lleve a cabo el evento amparado en la póliza.


Los seguros que se requieren en el sector energético son complejos, pues generalmente a través de ellos, se amparan grandes riesgos, como pueden ser operaciones de exploración y extracción de hidrocarburos en aguas profundas; transporte de petróleo por barco; tendido de ductos; construcción y operación de terminales de almacenamiento, etc.


Para asegurar estas actividades, es necesario conocer sus características, así como el tipo de riesgos a los que están expuestos, dado que: 1) son peligrosas por sus características de inflamabilidad y explosividad; 2) se les considera actividades altamente riesgosas; 3) es infraestructura de grandes dimensiones y con altos grados de inversión económica; 4) pueden encontrarse o recorrer zonas social y ambientalmente vulnerables y 5) están expuestas a las acciones u omisiones de contratistas, sub-contratistas y proveedores de servicio.


Derivado de lo anterior, para contar con la asesoría idónea  y contratar los seguros adecuados, es necesario contar con los servicios de un broker especializado en materia de energía.


Este tipo de brokerofrece asesoramiento profesional e imparcial para la contratación de los programas integrales de seguros, con las coberturas que pueden contratarse en México, pero también cuenta con la capacidad para colocar coberturas en el mercado internacional de reaseguro, cuando se trata de “grandes riesgos”.


Además, ofrece una variedad de soluciones innovadoras y puntuales que deben ajustarse a las necesidades particulares de cada negocio, dependiendo del perfil de la organización y de los riesgos a los que ésta se expone diariamente en sus operaciones.


El conocimiento de la industria petrolera y de los mercados de seguro y reaseguro, que este grupo de profesionales posee, les permite implementar y operar las mejores estrategias en la gestión de administración de riesgos, de conformidad con las necesidades de cada cliente para maximizar las oportunidades y limitar los riesgos.


México hace frente a un nuevo panorama con la Reforma Energética, que dará lugar a nuevos esquemas de contratación y participación en el sector de petróleo y energía.


En NRGI Broker, somos expertos en seguros para el sector energético. Acércate a nosotros, con gusto te atenderemos.


Seguros para las actividades de transporte, almacenamiento, distribución y expendio de hidrocarburos y petrolíferos; compresión, descompresión, licuefacción y regasificación de gas natural  

Las empresas que realicen actividades de Transporte, Almacenamiento, Distribución y Expendio de Hidrocarburos y Petrolíferos, así como Compresión, Descompresión, Licuefacción y Regasificación de Gas Natural deben contar con seguros, de acuerdo a las Disposiciones Administrativas de Carácter General en materia de Seguros para dichas actividades, publicadas en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el 23 de julio de 2018 (DAGCS-TADE).

Con ello, la Agencia de Seguridad Industrial y Protección del Medio Ambiente del Sector Hidrocarburos (ASEA) cumple con la atribución que le fue otorgada en el artículo 6, fracción I, inciso c), de su Ley, en donde se establece “el requerimiento de garantías o cualquier otro instrumento financiero para que los Regulados cuenten con coberturas financieras contingentes frente a los daños o perjuicios que pudieran generar” en toda la cadena de valor de los hidrocarburos.

Requerir garantías financieras obedece al hecho de que el sector de los hidrocarburos es particularmente susceptible a experimentar accidentes, ya que el petróleo y el gas natural son considerados sustancias peligrosas, por su potencial para generar incendios, explosiones o contaminación por derrames.

Si bien es cierto que las empresas son cada vez más conscientes de la importancia de implementar programas de administración de riesgos, que les permitan identificar, analizar, controlar, transferir y monitorear los riesgos a los que están expuestas, hay eventos difíciles de predecir o que no pueden ser controlados, como son los desastres naturales o la negligencia y/o impericia de empleados o de terceros.

Es precisamente para esos riesgos que superan las medidas preventivas que el seguro se vuelve el instrumento financiero por excelencia para evitar pérdidas mayores que aquellas derivadas del siniestro, como pueden ser: afectación patrimonial; incumplimiento ante clientes y proveedores; paralización de las actividades y la quiebra.

Actualmente los seguros son reconocidos como una de las mejores prácticas internacionales en materia de seguridad industrial y protección ambiental en el sector hidrocarburos, para reparar los daños y absorber las pérdidas económicas que se puedan derivar de un siniestro.

La publicación de la regulación en materia de seguros de responsabilidad civil y responsabilidad ambiental para las actividades de Transporte, Almacenamiento, Distribución y Expendio de hidrocarburos y petrolíferos, así como Compresión, Descompresión, Licuefacción y Regasificación de Gas Natural establece montos mínimos de seguros para ciertas actividades como el transporte por auto-tanque, buque-tanque y carro-tanque. Para otras actividades cuyas características hacen difícil establecer un estándar, se solicita elaborar un estudio de pérdida máxima probable para determinar la suma asegurada.

Los seguros deberán registrarse ante la ASEA como requisito previo para obtener el permiso correspondiente de la Comisión Reguladora de Energía (CRE).

En NRGI Broker somos expertos en administración de riesgos y seguros y fuimos el consultor de la ASEA para la regulación en materia de seguros de responsabilidad civil y responsabilidad ambiental para Transporte, Almacenamiento, Distribución y Expendio de hidrocarburos y petrolíferos; Compresión, Descompresión, Licuefacción y Regasificación de Gas Natural, por lo que somos la mejor opción para asesorarte.

Acércate a nosotros, con gusto te atenderemos.

[1] Conocido como PML (Probable Maximum Loss), por sus siglas en inglés.


California-based energy company building $150 million Mexico fuels terminal

Chron / Rye Druzin, Staff Writer / July 12



A California energy company is moving ahead with a $150 million fuels terminal in the Mexican state of Sinaloa.

Sempra Energy of San Diego is building the fuels terminal in Topolobampo, Mexico through its Mexican subsidiary Infraestructura Energética Nova, S.A.B. de C.V. or IEnova after the company secured a 20 year contract with the Topolobampo Port Administration.

The first phase of the project will have a storage capacity of 1 million barrels for fuels including gasoline and diesel. Sempra Energy expects operations to start in the fourth quarter of 2020.

In April Sempra Energy announced that IEnova would build a $130 million, 1 million barrel fuels terminal at Ensenada, a city in the Mexican state of Baja California.

San Antonio refiner Valero Energy Corp., the largest independent refiner in the U.S., signed a deal in August with IEnova to export refined product into Mexico. The gasoline, diesel and jet fuel would ship to new $155 million storage terminals IEnova will build in the Gulf of Mexico port city of Veracruz. Other storage terminals will be constructed in Puebla, southeast of Mexico City, and in Mexico city itself, to the tune of $120 million.


Chron / Rye Druzin, Staff Writer / July 12


Interview with Graciela Álvarez, CEO of NRGI Broker

Mexico Oil & Gas Review / July 18


Company bio: NRGI Broker specializes in insurance and surety bonds for the Mexican energy sector. It develops custom-made solutions for companies operating in the energy sector, including vessel, construction and engineering and catastrophic risks.


Q: How has NRGI Broker created market opportunities to expand the reach of its services?

A: I am proud to say that we have played a great role in the implementation of the Energy Reform. We have been standing with our country since the beginning, we trusted the reform and now we have mastered how it works. We are a Mexican broker that  has a broad services portfolio and we have consolidated as the best one in the market We have also established “Voces de Energía”, a forum where experts discuss the reform’s environmental, social and fiscal regulations.

Q: How will NRGI Broker benefit its potential clients and partners going forward?

A: In the long term, we see the company as a consolidated reference in the fields of insurance and sureties for the oil and gas industry. We are savvy about the needs of the companies along the entire value chain in hydrocarbons and we are an established adviser for risk management and on financial regulations. We started strong in offshore, ever since activity began in that area, and now we are talking about moving into onshore. The trend is to set new partnerships for storage, pipelines, clean energies and alike. We are investing in putting our brand’s name out there and showcasing that we offer a full range of services few other companies offer.

Q: What are the Top 3 successes of the Energy Reform?

A: I have a vivid memory of observing the Energy Reform’s application when I was acting as an adviser for ASEA in 2014, which gave me the chance to understand how the reform was set in motion. The first success was the implementation itself, which was accomplished according to the same spectrum of norms, rules and opportunities. The second success was the establishment of strong and transparent organisms to guide the implementation that facilitated the cohabitation of all different players in a single environment, which has grown to represent 18 operators. The third is the 72 percent rate of successful allocation of everything that has been tendered in the licensing rounds, demonstrating the genuine interest that local and foreign companies have in Mexico.

Q: How have local and foreign companies adapted to the new regulations and what have been the major hurdles in this process?

A: Everything comes down to an understanding that we need a unified regulatory framework and this cannot be implemented without looking at international standards. The reform’s planning was based on the experiences of seven countries that underwent similar processes, so it is molded to global requirements. Those international players that recently entered the market are used to these types of regulations since they apply to other territories, while many Mexican companies have previously worked with foreign partners that use those standards. For most local companies, application was not an issue. On the contrary, companies operating in the hydrocarbons sector now have the certainty of working in an environment protected by a well-established regulatory framework.

Q: How has NRGI Broker contributed to changing the local mindset and raising awareness about the need for insurance?

A: We advised ASEA when it conducted a three-year study on the best practices and experiences of Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Norway, the UK and the US that could be applied to the Mexican case. We worked with it every step of the way to establish these rules, from offshore platforms to setting up gas stations, and we developed the administrative dispositions for insurance in the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors. Insurance is required if this industry is to function properly and this mandatory status made things easier for us in terms of application. We are certain about the need to transform the attitude toward insurance and to combine that with our experience, specialization and innovation to offer personalized solutions to our clients.

Q: How will PEMEX’s migration projects make the company more competitive and productive?

A: This is a great strategy for PEMEX to establish investment partnerships that are specialists in how fields work, the reserves included in those fields and the different options to exploit them. This is a long-term investment business that opens the door to new opportunities to turn PEMEX into a more competitive entity. It is a win-win situation. It is important to note that PEMEX gets to keep the land ownership for these migrations; they only allow investment from third parties. One of the company’s future strengths lies in its capitalization and the establishment of partnerships with technology-driven companies. By binding all the parties involved in these type of projects, the companies are forced to bring their A game and deliver on their promises because they would harm themselves if they fell short due to the interdependence ingrained in this framework.

Q: What direction would you like the next administration to follow related to the industry?

A: I hope the next administration understands the implication of keeping the Energy Reform afloat. The reform was meant to contribute to the country and it has been set in motion successfully. The next president should push for new partnerships to continue deepening the reform’s outreach. What is important to understand is that reversing this process would be harmful to the country and it would hurt many companies that have supported and invested in its application.


To read the 2018 edition click here.


Mexico Oil & Gas Review / July 18



US launches five dispute actions in WTO challenging China, EU, Canada, Mexico and Turkey

Merco Press / REUTERS / Yuri Gripas / 17 July


The United States launched five separate World Trade Organization dispute actions on Monday challenging retaliatory tariffs imposed by China, the European Union, Canada, Mexico and Turkey following U.S. duties on steel and aluminum. The retaliatory tariffs on up to a combined US$28.5 billion worth of U.S. exports are illegal under WTO rules, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said in a statement.

“These tariffs appear to breach each WTO member’s commitments under the WTO Agreement,” he said. “The United States will take all necessary actions to protect our interests, and we urge our trading partners to work constructively with us on the problems created by massive and persistent excess capacity in the steel and aluminum sectors.”

Lighthizer’s office has maintained that the tariffs the United States has imposed on imports of steel and aluminum are acceptable under WTO rules because they were imposed on the grounds of a national security exception.

Mexico said it would defend its retaliatory measures, saying the imposition of U.S. tariffs was “unjustified.”

“The purchases the United States makes of steel and aluminum from Mexico do not represent a threat to the national security,” Mexico’s Economy Ministry said in a statement.

“On the contrary, the solid trade relationship between Mexico and the U.S. has created an integrated regional market where steel and aluminum products contribute to the competitiveness of the region in various strategic sectors, such as automotive, aerospace, electrical and electronic,” the ministry added.

Lighthizer said last month that retaliation had no legal basis because the EU and other trading partners were making false assertions that the U.S. steel and aluminum tariffs are illegal “safeguard” actions intended to protect U.S. producers.


Merco Press / REUTERS / Yuri Gripas / 17 July


The security policy in the hydrocarbons sector

The safety policy of the hydrocarbon sector focuses on two concepts that respond to the environment that may be impacted by the activities developed with hydrocarbons and their derivatives: industrial safety that refers to the external environment and the relationship of the installation with third parties and operational security, referred to the internal scope and related to the installation’s own processes.

In the ASEA Law, Industrial Safety is defined as the multidisciplinary area responsible for identifying, reducing, evaluating, preventing, mitigating, controlling and managing risks in the sector, with the aim of protecting people and the environment.

Operational safety, is understood as the multidisciplinary area that is responsible for the analysis, evaluation, prevention, mitigation, control of the associated risks of the process, which includes the design, construction, startup, operation, normal stoppages, emergency stoppages and maintenance.

As we can see, industrial safety is a broader concept that involves considering not only the installation but its environment, at least where their activities may have some impact, such as the surrounding population, which may suffer damage to their people and to their assets, or the pollution of the environment.

On the other hand, operational safety focuses on internal processes, which must also be procured, in order to avoid damage to the installation and personnel, as well as preventing an accident from reaching greater proportions and also affect industrial safety.

Risks are an inherent part of the activities of the hydrocarbon sector, therefore as part of its security policy, companies must make the decision between retaining and transferring risks. They will generally retain those that may have minor consequences and whose costs do not affect their assets. In the case of risks that can have serious consequences, it is better to transfer them through an insurance.

The insurances that companies in the hydrocarbon sector must contract to complement their industrial and operational safety policy are: 1) well control (exploration and extraction companies); 2) construction and assembly; 3) civil and environmental liability; 4) property damage; 5) electronic equipment; 6) machinery breakage; 7) Boilers and equipment subject to pressure, among others.

If the activities are carried out with vessels, the insurances to be contracted are: 1) hull and machinery, 2) protection and compensation and, if applicable, 3) the charterer’s civil liability.

Each one of these insurances will cover some aspect that will contribute to complement the policy of industrial and operational safety, with the aim of having safer facilities and reducing to the maximum the possibility of an economic detriment to the companies of the sector.


At NRGI Broker, we are experts in insurance for the hydrocarbon sector. Come to us, we will gladly assist you.


Los puntos clave del Midstream Forum: Infraestructura, Logística y Administración de riesgos

El día de ayer, se llevó a cabo con éxito la segunda edición del Midstream Forum, organizado por Grupo T21 y patrocinado por empresas como NRGI Broker; Kansas City Southern de México; Energéticos Nieto, GATX;  Amspec, entre otros.

El evento fue inaugurado por el Ing. Juan Acra, presidente del Consejo Mexicano de la Energía (COMENER), acompañado de la Lic. Graciela Álvarez Hoth, Directora General de NRGI Broker, Lic. Rosanety Barrios, Coordinadora General de Políticas de Transformación Industrial de la Secretaría de Energía y del Lic. Osiel Cárdenas de Grupo T21.

Durante las mesas de discusión, se debatió acerca de los desafíos y oportunidades en materia de almacenamiento y transporte de hidrocarburos y petrolíferos.

En la mesa sobre “Almacenamiento Mínimo de Petrolíferos”, donde participaron representantes de la Comisión Reguladora de Energía y de diversas empresas, se concluyó que la infraestructura existente es insuficiente para alcanzar los objetivos de la Reforma Energética, por lo que para empezar a ver resultados en materia de suministro energético a precios razonables, es necesario que los proyectos avancen.

En la segunda mesa se abordó el tema sobre “Áreas de oportunidades de Logística”, en el que se destacó que si bien es cierto, la apuesta actual en materia de transporte son los ductos por ser un medio económico y eficiente, actualmente las embarcaciones, los ferrocarriles y los auto-tanques desempeñan un papel fundamental en materia logística, por su disponibilidad y características particulares.

En la última mesa denominada “Safety, Security & Insurance”, participaron el Lic. Alfredo Orellana, Jefe de la Unidad Jurídica de la Agencia de Seguridad, Energía y Ambiente (ASEA), Pablo Carstens de la empresa Ipreset, y Graciela Álvarez Hoth, Directora General de NRGI Broker, donde se abordó el desafío de la seguridad en el sector hidrocarburos, no sólo en lo relativo a la seguridad industrial y operativa, sino también relacionado con el reto que representa el crimen organizado.

En el marco de su ponencia, Alfredo Orellana anunció la inminente publicación de la regulación en materia de seguros para las actividades de transporte, almacenamiento, distribución y expendio de hidrocarburos y petrolíferos, por lo que próximamente estarán definidos los requerimientos en materia de seguros en toda la cadena de valor.

Graciela Álvarez, por su parte, presentó el tema de Administración de Riesgos en el Sector Hidrocarburos, donde destacó que se trata de una metodología que permite identificar y analizar los riesgos de la industria y elegir qué hacer con ellos: retenerlos, lo que significar asumir todos los costos de la pérdida y la reparación de los daños en caso de un siniestro o transferirlos, a través de un programa integral de seguros, con lo que el asegurado obtiene respaldo económico en caso de una eventualidad.

Asimismo, destacó que la regulación en materia de seguros obligatorios, no debe verse como una carga administrativa, sino como un instrumento financiero de protección del patrimonio.

El evento finalizó con conferencias, en las que diversos expertos presentaron las más recientes innovaciones en el sector energético, tales como puntos de arbitraje en el mercado de combustibles; transferencia de custodia en transacciones comerciales y el etanol en México.