Proveedores y prestadores de servicios para las operaciones de Exploración y Extracción de hidrocarburos en el mar

En un sector tan complejo como el de los Hidrocarburos, las empresas no pueden ser autosuficientes, por lo que requieren que terceros les provean de bienes y servicios que les permitan llevar a cabo sus actividades.

La exactitud, prontitud y calidad con la que proveedores y contratistas presten sus servicios son factores indispensables para el adecuado funcionamiento de una organización.

En el caso específico de las empresas que realizan actividades en el Sector Hidrocarburos, al desempeñarse en un ámbito de alto riesgo requieren la certeza de que sus proveedores y prestadores de servicios desempeñarán sus tareas con los más altos estándares de seguridad, para evitar la ocurrencia de accidentes, que pongan en peligro la vida y/o integridad de personas, daños a bienes o al medio ambiente.

Por eso, de acuerdo con las Disposiciones Administrativas de carácter general que establecen las reglas para el requerimiento mínimo de seguros a los Regulados que lleven a cabo obras o actividades de exploración y extracción de hidrocarburos, tratamiento y refinación de petróleo y procesamiento de gas natural (DACGS), emitidas el 23 de junio de 2016, las empresas del Sector Hidrocarburos que realicen las actividades antes mencionadas, deben requerir a sus contratistas, subcontratistas, proveedores o prestadores de servicio que cuenten con pólizas de seguro con las coberturas y montos necesarios y suficientes para amparar la responsabilidad por los daños que pudieran generar con motivo de las obras, servicios y/o actividades que realicen.

En este sentido, es responsabilidad de las empresas titulares de las licencias para operar, asegurarse que sus proveedores y contratistas podrán responder por los daños que llegaran a causar en el desarrollo de sus operaciones, además de que deberán contar con las coberturas de control de pozos, responsabilidad civil y responsabilidad ambiental, de acuerdo con la regulación aplicable.

En el caso de los montos, por ejemplo, una empresa que lleve a cabo la exploración y extracción de hidrocarburos que requiera de lanchas rápidas y embarcaciones menores de servicio y para ello contrate los servicios de otra empresa que se dedique al transporte marítimo, deberá solicitarle sus pólizas de seguro de protección e indemnización (P&I) por un monto no menor a USD 5´000,000 (cinco millones de dólares de los Estados Unidos de América), de conformidad con  el artículo 29, fracción II de las DACGS. En caso de que las embarcaciones que sean utilizadas no estén listadas en el artículo antes mencionado, la fracción V del mismo dispone que la póliza de seguro sea por un monto no menor a USD  100,000,000.00 (cien millones de dólares de los Estados Unidos de América).

En NRGI Broker somos expertos en seguros de protección e indemnización y en regulación en materia de seguridad industrial y protección ambiental. Acércate a nosotros, con gusto te atenderemos.


Expert questions BP’s drilling plans for offshore Nova Scotia

The Canadian Press / The Chronicle Herald / May 15


An engineering expert and former oil industry consultant has raised the alarm on BP Canada Energy Group’s plans to drill off Nova Scotia.

“Given BP’s current proposals for exploratory drilling offshore Nova Scotia, the likelihood of an uncontrolled blowout exceeds the upper limits for tolerability of exploratory well drilling risks,” said Robert Bea in his risk analysis of BP’s plans.

Bea, who is professor emeritus at the Center for Catastrophic Risk Management at the University of California at Berkeley, has investigated catastrophes including the Columbia space shuttle explosion in 1987 and the blowout of a Deepwater Horizon rig owned by BP eight years ago.

“Based on the information provided by BP, the blowout risk is clearly not acceptable,” Bea said in an interview Monday.

Bea uses a complex risk assessment system that looks into factors such as the commitment of everyone involved in an operation to safety, from contractors to the company’s top managers. The company’s awareness of major risks and its technical and management ability to assess risk is also taken into account.

After applying these criteria to BP’s plans for offshore Nova Scotia, Bea said the risk of an uncontrolled blowout like Deepwater Horizon was high. Eleven rig workers were killed in the Deepwater explosion on April 20, 2010, in the Gulf of Mexico and it triggered the biggest oil spill in U.S. history at an estimated 4.9 million barrels.

In a decision in early April, the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board authorized BP Canada to do preparatory work in advance of its plan to drill an exploration well about 50 kilometres off Sable Island. The decision drew protests from groups, including the Council of Canadians, about the environmental risks associated with the project and the strength of the regulations that govern the offshore.

BP contends that if there was a blowout off Nova Scotia, there would be sufficient time to drill a relief well and to get access to equipment such as a capping stack to contain the situation. But Bea said he questions that optimism, based on the documentation he’s seen and his personal experience in assessing gas and oil projects.

The provincial and federal governments have denied that the project, which could see up to seven exploration wells drilled off the southeast coast of Nova Scotia over a three-year period, poses unacceptable environmental risks.

Premier Stephen McNeil has said he’s confident that BP would take the appropriate measures to ensure safety and environmental responsibility throughout the project. He said BP has taken strides to strengthen regulations since Deepwater.

Federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna has said the project “is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.”

Bea agrees there would be economic benefits for Nova Scotia but only if the project is done successfully.

“I don’t think it’s a case of we should do this at all,” he said. “I think it’s a case of if we choose to do this, we need to do it with the best available technology. Because the consequences of being wrong are too high.”


The Canadian Press / The Chronicle Herald / May 15


Qatar Petroleum to push ahead with expansion despite Gulf crisis



State energy giant continue with expansion strategy to be on par with oil majors, despite Gulf crisis embargo.

State energy giant Qatar Petroleum (QP) will push ahead with its production expansion and foreign asset acquisition strategy to be on par with oil majors, despite a regional political and economic embargo on Doha, its chief executive said.

Qatar is one of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries’ smallest producers but is also one of the most influential players in the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) market due to its annual production of 77 million tonnes.

“We are in Mexico, we are in Brazil, we are contemplating investing in the US in many areas, in shale gas, in conventional oil. We are looking at many things,” al-Kaabi said in an interview at QP’s headquarters in Doha.

“We are looking very critically at the United States because we have a position there. We have the Golden Pass that we are investing in,” he said.

Qatar Petroleum is the majority owner of the Golden Pass LNG terminal in Texas, with ExxonMobil Corp and ConocoPhillips holding smaller stakes.

Al-Kaabi said “depending on the project’s cost and feasibility” he expects to take a final investment decision on expanding the Golden Pass LNG by the end of the year.

“I’m not in the business of infrastructure. I’m not going to have a liquefaction plant only. It has to be something that will be linked with an upstream business that we would buy in the US so we need to be naturally hedged,” he added.

To maintain its dominance in the US and Australia, QP is cutting costs at home and seeking to expand overseas through joint ventures with international companies.

“We will always go with one of our international partners that we have business with here in Qatar,” al-Kaabi said. “Some of our partners want to divest, some of our partners want to acquire something together.”

QP is focusing on other opportunities in Mexico, Latin America, Africa and in the Mediterranean, he said. QP is also looking to enter Mozambique, where Exxon and Eni operate, he added.

Al-Kaabi said the share of overseas upstream production will be “a good portion” in the long term, but it will not compare with its share at home.

“Our strategy says we are going to expand in upstream business with a little bit of downstream that will be connected to some other businesses that we are doing and a few one-off deals in petrochemicals,” he said.


We are in Mexico, we are in Brazil, we are contemplating investing in the US in many areas

                                                                        SAAD AL-KAABI




Mexico Opens Last Round Of Oil Bidding Before Election

From: Oil Price / Oxford Business Group / 28 April 2017


The latest round of open bidding for exploration rights in Mexico’s energy sector received mixed interest, with two further rights sales to take place later in the year.

Of the 35 shallow offshore blocks on offer in the March 27 auction, 16 were sold, with the strongest interest seen in blocks in the Sureste Basin – in the south-eastern portion of the Gulf of Mexico – where all eight offerings found buyers.

Mexico’s state-owned oil producer, Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), won seven of the blocks on offer, one in its own right and six more in partnership with overseas energy firms.

Fourteen oil majors were pre-qualified to bid alongside 22 consortia. France’s Total was the biggest winner in the Sureste Basin, coming away with the largest share of three blocks coverin­­g a total of 2342 sq km. It received two of these as part of a consortium with Pemex, and one with BP and Pan American.

The Ministry of Energy estimates that developing and operating the 16 blocks will require investment of $8.6 billion over the lifetime of the deposits.

Related: How High Can Trump Push Oil Prices?

Overall response to the auctions was slightly muted, with local and international majors showing some caution when making offers, partly due to the upcoming presidential election in July 2018, which has sparked concerns about potential changes to energy sector policy and rising supply in the market.

Auctions for shale deposits set for September

Indeed, the March auction was the first of up to three rights sales to be staged this year, with the remaining two land bids scheduled for late July and early September. The former will cover a total of 37 contractual areas in Burgos, Tampico-Misantla-Veracruz and the Sureste Basin.

The September round of bidding will be particularly notable, as it will be the first time that development rights for shale deposits have been auctioned off in Mexico.

Depleting natural gas reserves and high potential for shale – the country has 545trn cu feet of technically recoverable sources of shale gas, according to the World Resources Institute – have driven Mexico to accelerate development of the industry.

Early last month the energy sector regulator, the National Hydrocarbons Commission (Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos, CNH), called for bids on nine blocks in the Burgos Basin – located in the state of Tamaulipas, in the north-west of the country – to be auctioned off in September.

The blocks contain an estimated 1.1 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe), and winning bidders will have the right to conduct exploratory work for conventional oil and gas, as well as any shale deposits identified.

Energy reform supports private sector development

The successive rounds of auctions for exploration and production rights are the keystone of Mexico’s energy reform policy. Launched in 2013, the reforms ended Pemex’s upstream and downstream monopoly, and offer the country the potential to generate $1trn of foreign direct investment by 2040, according to the Mexican Association of Hydrocarbons Companies.


From: Oil Price / Oxford Business Group / 28 April 2017





Mexican Oil Giant Pemex Seeks Partners to Drill in 7 Southern Areas

FROM: Sputnik News / 27 April 2017


MEXICO CITY (Sputnik) – Mexico’s state oil giant Pemex is looking for partners in joint ventures that will drill at seven onshore areas in the country’s south, the national hydrocarbons authority said Thursday.

Contracts for drilling in the states of Veracruz, Chiapas and Tabasco will be signed for a period of 35 to 40 years with a possibility of a ten-year extension, according to the National Hydrocarbons Commission.

Mexico has been overhauling its energy sector since late 2013. The reform ended almost 80 years of Pemex’s monopoly by allowing foreign investments and contracts with private businesses.


FROM: Sputnik News / 27 April 2017


Los beneficios sociales de la Reforma Energética

Cuando se promulgó la Reforma Energética a finales del año 2014, fueron diversos los beneficios sociales anunciados por el Gobierno Federal, entre los que se encontraban: 1) la creación de empleos; 2); el aumento de recursos públicos que serían utilizados para la construcción de escuelas, hospitales y el mejoramiento de servicios públicos en general, y 3) el aprovechamiento sustentable de los recursos naturales.

A poco más de tres años de la puesta en marcha de la Reforma Energética, es importante preguntarse si estos beneficios se han cumplido o tienen posibilidades de hacerse realidad, lo anterior, teniendo como base la idea de que estamos hablando de un proyecto de largo plazo, cuyas bondades requieren de tiempo para madurar. No obstante, podemos mencionar algunos datos que ya es posible vislumbrar.

Actualmente, más de 70 empresas nacionales e internacionales se encuentran realizando actividades para la exploración y extracción (E&E) de hidrocarburos en México, a través de los más de 100 contratos que ya se han adjudicado en los procesos de licitación organizados por la Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos (CNH), y que se traducen en inversiones comprometidas de más de 200 mil millones de dólares.

Todas estas empresas requieren de una variedad de servicios y personal capacitado para llevar a cabo sus operaciones en nuestro país, lo que trae consigo la creación y/o reactivación económica de empresas mexicanas, así como empleo para diversos profesionistas en lo individual; esto además, facilita a los contratistas cumplir con sus obligaciones de contenido nacional. De acuerdo a estimaciones de la Secretaría de Energía, se espera la creación de 230 mil a 900 mil empleos durante los próximos 15 años[1].

En cuanto a mayores recursos públicos para el Estado, los contratos de E&E, prevén diversas contraprestaciones a su favor, entre las que se encuentran regalías, bonos y pago de impuestos; además, México obtiene, en promedio, el 70% de utilidad de los mencionados contratos[2]. Hoy en día ya es posible hablar de importantes éxitos como el pozo Zama, perforado por la empresa Sierra Oil & Gas, de capital mexicano, el cual es definido como uno de los más grandes descubrimientos de los últimos 20 años; o el campo de la empresa italiana Eni, que ha resultado ser más productivo de lo que inicialmente se pronosticó. Dichos éxitos se verán reflejados también en las finanzas públicas.

Por último, en cuanto al objetivo de aprovechar sustentablemente los recursos naturales, la Agencia de Seguridad, Energía y Ambiente (ASEA) ha puesto especial atención en regular los aspectos relacionados con la seguridad industrial y protección ambiental, a fin de procurar que las actividades de la industria de los hidrocarburos no causen daños a terceros, en sus bienes y personas, instalaciones y medio ambiente.

Una de las medidas tomadas al respecto consiste en la obligación que tienen los operadores del sector hidrocarburos de contratar seguros de responsabilidad civil- ambiental y control de pozos, una efectiva garantía financiera, cuyo propósito es asegurar que contarán con los recursos necesarios para reparar los daños que causen en el desarrollo de sus actividades.

En NRGI Broker hemos participado activamente en la Reforma Energética y conocemos su regulación. Para contratar seguros, acércate a nosotros, somos los expertos y con gusto te atenderemos.



El descontrol de pozos ¿un riesgo catastrófico?

Un descontrol de pozo ocurre cuando la presión de la formación[1] es mayor a la presión del fluido de control, lo que provoca un reventón o blow out, que no puede manejarse a voluntad.

El descontrol de un pozo es el evento más indeseado en materia de actividades petroleras, por las consecuencias catastróficas que se pueden desencadenar, tales como pérdida de vidas humanas, pérdida del pozo y del equipo de perforación, así como daños al medio ambiente.

El caso de mayores proporciones que se ha vivido recientemente en el mundo fue el Deepwater Horizon, en Estados Unidos. El 20 de abril de 2010, la empresa británica British Petroleum (BP) se encontraba realizando operaciones de exploración de aguas profundas en el pozo Macondo, ubicado a 75 kilómetros de la costa de Luisiana, cuando un escape de gas provocó una explosión de la plataforma semi-sumergible Deepwater Horizon con un incendio que duró 36 horas. Millones de barriles de petróleo fueron derramados, en una superficie de entre 86,500 y 180,000 kilómetros cuadrados; fallecieron 11 personas y otras más resultaron heridas.

Este siniestro es considerado uno de los peores en la industria del petróleo, no sólo por los daños directos provocados, sino también por los perjuicios resultantes, tales como la afectación a las actividades pesquera y turística.

En México no existen cifras oficiales acerca de qué tan frecuentemente se descontrola un pozo, pero el peor caso conocido hasta ahora fue el del Ixtoc I. El 3 de junio de 1979, mientras se llevaban a cabo los trabajos de perforación del pozo Ixtoc I de Petróleos Mexicanos, se produjo el descontrol del pozo, lo que ocasionó un incendio de gran magnitud y el derrame de más de 3 millones de barriles de crudo. El evento provocó que el petróleo llegara hasta las costas de Campeche, Tabasco, Veracruz y Tamaulipas e incluso a algunas zonas de Texas, por las que Estados Unidos solicitó compensación.

Para evitar un acontecimiento de este tipo que sin duda puede llegar a ser catastrófico, las empresas petroleras implementan diversas medidas de seguridad industrial y seguridad operativa, mediante la aplicación de sistemas adecuados de fluidos de perforación, equipos de medición y control de parámetros, y personal debidamente capacitado; no obstante la posibilidad de se origine el descontrol de un pozo es un riesgo latente.

De ahí la importancia de que las empresas petroleras cuenten con un programa integral de seguros, que les permita afrontar las consecuencias de un siniestro, sin poner en riesgo la rentabilidad de la compañía.

En NRGI Broker, somos expertos en programas integrales de seguros para empresas petroleras. Acércate a nosotros, con gusto te atenderemos.

[1] Por formación se entiende la estructura rocosa en la que se encuentra el hidrocarburo.

Mexico’s Sureste Basin Returns To Super Basin Spotlight

From: Hartenergy / 6 April

HOUSTON—The flurry of bidding activity from oil and gas companies willing to shell out millions of dollars for drilling rights in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) during Mexico’s latest bidding round showed there must still be something special about the Sureste (Southeast) Basin.

“I’ve never seen a structure like it in my career,” Mark Shann, subsurface director for Sierra Oil and Gas, said of Sureste during the AAPG’s recent Global Super Basins Leadership conference.

The multiplay basin, which includes prolific sub-basins such as Sonda de Campeche and Chiapas-Tabasco, spans about 65,000 sq km and is believed to hold 50 billion barrels of recoverable oil in the GoM’s shallow water and beyond. Its oil-prone prowess gained prominence in 1976 with Mexico’s game-changing Cantarell oil field discovery. Since then the basin has served as the main hydrocarbon-bearing province for Mexico, which is working to reverse declining production with global players eagerly chomping at the bit in search of oil.

RELATED: Southeast Basin Lures Oil Companies To Mexico’s Shallow Water

The historic Zama discovery made in 2017 by a Talos Energy-led consortium that includes Sierra and Premier Oil and another discovery—Amoca—by Italy’s Eni in 2017 have kept the basin in the spotlight, indicating it still has more to give. The Zama well, the first well drilled by the private sector since Mexico opened its doors to foreign investors, hit 170 m to 200 m (558 ft to 656 ft) of net oil pay in Upper Miocene sandstones. Initial gross original oil in place estimates ranged from 1.4 billion barrels (Bbbl) to 2 Bbbl.

Some would call it the rebirth of a super basin.

Shann said the basin—along with neighboring Tampico-Misantla—has all the qualities of a super basin.

“If you’re going to go into a super basin, you need at least one fantastic source rock and it has to be a mature source rock,” Shann said. He added that multiple reservoirs are also needed. “Having multiple reservoirs takes away the dependency of one reservoir working out or not, and you need seals to hold back hydrocarbons in their reservoirs.”

Having a diversity of traps is fantastic, he added, noting other attributes also define a super basin. These include having a regulatory framework in which to make the entire business work and super data, something Shann said Sureste Basin has plenty.

“Four years ago when we started our company we couldn’t get all seismic data from the country. Today you can access all the seismic,” Shann said. “You can access any well that is older than two years, and there are 39,000 wells in the country. The ability mine data and therefore to compete on an equal level playing field is hugely important,” especially for a small company competing against supermajors.

Sierra has picked up 11,000 sq km of wide azimuth data from Schlumberger and source rock is visible, he said. “The super data has really helped to underpin a story of success in one of the world’s greatest super basins.”

Today Sierra is focused mainly on Sureste, which Shann said extends beyond shallow and into deepwater.

The company said on its website that Sureste’s original oil and gas in place is about 220 Bboe, and the fact that it has numerous mature fields—including Ku Maloob Zaap and Sihil—and little reinvestment signals “significant opportunity for growth.”

Its reservoirs are associated with structural, salt tectonics, stratigraphic and combined traps, and the main structural styles include normal faulting with rotated blocks (Late Miocene-Holocene), salt cored anticlines and salt rollers and diapirs (Jurassic-Late Cretaceous), according to Mexico’s National Hydrocarbons Commission.

In terms of source rock potential, Shann said “we’re definitely in a super basin.” He spoke about how the Zama discovery shed more light on source rock thickness. Taking into account a conservative 50% migration loss among other factors, the company was able to determine the source rock must be about 200 m thick.

Shann said the company and its partners’ plan to test the Jurassic next year.

“Sureste is one of those amazing salt-related basins,” he added, speaking highly of the carbonate potential of the basin in Mexican waters and on the U.S. side. “I think we can still find some big carbonate fields in the Campeche Slope.”

Located about 37 miles offshore, Zama is between Eni’s Amoca appraisal well in the Lower Pliocene and Pan American’s Hokchi 2 in the Middle Miocene.

“Between the three of us, we’re exploiting different parts of this basin, which helps the industry’s understanding of the whole basin,” Talos CEO Tim Duncan told Hart Energy’s Oil and Gas Investor last summer.

RELATED: Talos Energy CEO Talks About Historic Zama Well

Talos, which will merge with Stone Energy, said in its March 15 fourth-quarter earnings release that the company is in the appraisal planning stages for the Zama-1 discovery. Zama-1 is located in Block 7 of the Sureste Basin at a water depth of about 165 m.

Other exploration opportunities exist, according to Talos.

Talos holds a 35% participating interest with Sierra holding 40% and Premier, 25%.

From: Hartenergy / 6 April


¿Cuánto costó el derrame del Deepwater Horizon?

El 20 de abril de 2010, la empresa británica British Petroleum (BP) realizaba operaciones de exploración de aguas profundas en el pozo petrolero “Macondo”, ubicado a 75 kilómetros de la costa de Luisiana, cuando se produjo un escape de gas, que provocó una explosión y posteriormente un incendio que duró 36 horas y terminó con el hundimiento de la plataforma semi-sumergible Deepwater Horizon.

Las consecuencias fueron graves: millones de barriles de petróleo derramados en el mar, lo que provocó una superficie contaminada de entre 86,500 y 180,000 kilómetros cuadrados que pudo contenerse casi tres meses después de la tragedia; afectación a especies animales, algunas de ellas en peligro de extinción; el fallecimiento de 11 personas y otras más que resultaron heridas.

Este siniestro es considerado uno de los peores en la industria del petróleo, no sólo por los daños directos provocados, sino también por los perjuicios resultantes, tales como la afectación causada a las actividades pesquera y turística.

Además de BP, la empresa Transocean –propietaria de la plataforma y encargada de su mantenimiento- y Halliburton, fueron consideradas responsables del siniestro[1].

Tan sólo los pagos erogados por BP ascienden, de acuerdo con las cifras de la misma empresa, a USD 61 billones, por concepto de los costos relacionados con el derrame, limpieza, reclamaciones económicas y pagos al gobierno[2].

Adicionalmente, BP tuvo que enfrentar diversos juicios por los cargos de “negligencia grave” que le imputaron por varios demandantes.

Que una compañía del tamaño y solvencia de BP haya enfrentado problemas financieros a partir de un siniestro, demuestra que todos estamos expuestos a sufrirlos, ya que los costos de un siniestro pueden llegar a ser incalculables.

Contratar un seguro con los montos y coberturas adecuadas, es fundamental para responder por los daños y perjuicios que se puedan causar a terceros, pero además con ello el asegurado consigue el doble propósito de proteger su patrimonio.

En NRGI Broker, somos expertos en seguros petroleros. Acércate a nosotros, con gusto te atenderemos.

[1] Deepwater Horizon Incident Joint Information Center. U.S. Scientific Team Draws on New Data, Multiple Scientific Methodologies to Reach Updated Estimate of Oil Flows from BP’s Well [boletín de prensa]. 15 June 2010. Disponible en:

[2] Gulf of Mexico restoration, disponible en:


Energy Reform Could Generate $1T in Foreign Investment for Mexico by 2040

FROM:  Natural Gas Intelligence / Ronald Buchanan / 19 de marzo de 2018


Mexico’s energy reform could generate $1 trillion of direct foreign investment by 2040, said leaders of the industry lobby, Mexican Association of Hydrocarbon Companies, earlier this month.

The association, known by its Spanish acronym Amexhi, was presenting its Agenda 2040, a huge volume that reviews the industry’s past, from its origins at the beginning of last century; the present, including current uncertainties; and a future through 2040 that would “transform Mexico.”

Amexhi President Alberto de la Fuente admitted that the investment goal is ambitious.

The Agenda presupposes that power and hydrocarbons would account for  4% of gross domestic product by the target date. And, de la Fuente emphasized, it would require accurate instrumentation of the reform’s precepts, “as well as the resolution of challenges that are a legacy of the previous model.”

The defense of the Agenda would require four watchwords, he added: “Steadfastness, competence, transparency and knowledge.”

Amexhi has taken pains to remain neutral during the current campaigns for Mexico’s July 1 presidential election.

“All the candidates have shown interesting elements in their policy statements,” said Enrique Hidalgo, president of ExxonMobil Exploracion y Produccion Mexico, and the coordinator of Agenda 2040.

Some of the industry group’s sympathizers, however, have claimed that the pronouncements of the current leader in the race, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who helms the left wing nationalist Morena party, has been less than steadfast in support of the reform. They also claim that his proposal for new refineries show a lack of understanding of the industry.

At the moment, the No. 2 in the race is Ricardo Anaya, leader of the National Action Party, the traditionally pro-business PAN. But Anaya has yet to issue any policy statements on energy.

Anaya also has embraced policies of left-wingers with whom he has formed an alliance. With them, he signed a statement of “No to the gasolinazo” — the liberation of gasoline prices.

Running third in the opinion polls is senior technocrat Jose Antonio Meade of the incumbent Institutional Revolutionary Party, the PRI. Meade was hand-picked by President Enrique Pena Nieto.

Meade’s loyalty to the energy reform has not been questioned. However, his loyalty to Peña Nieto has so far placed a political millstone around his neck. Pena Nieto is said to be the most unpopular Mexican president since political opinion polls were first published in the nation late in the 20th century as its democratic era began to dawn.

The democratic dawn has begun late for the former state monopolies of oil and natural gas, Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and power, Comision Federal de Electricidad, the CFE.

Neither is free to set a budget, as Congress and the Finance ministry keep a tight grip on their spending. The Pemex and CFE unions, particularly that of Pemex, have corporate powers that go well beyond the defense of the interests of the workers in terms of pay and conditions.

The challenge are considerable, said senior analyst Arturo Carranza of Mexico’s National Institute of Public Administration. But, he added, the rewards are realistic.

Agenda 2040 proposes 15 bid rounds to lease oil and gas acreage. Since the 2013-14 reform was enacted, there have been two rounds featuring eight separate completed lease auctions. Three auctions are currently underway for the third round.

“But the pace has been stepped up and it can be pushed further,” Carranza said. “The country’s potential is beyond question for the industry. And the government has to do its part by identifying opportunities that the companies can grasp. In return, it can reap the benefits, such as royalties, on behalf of the nation.

“At the same time, the government has to cast off the restrictions on the budgets of Pemex and the CFE,” he added.

De la Fuente said at the presentation that about 80% of the nation’s oilfields are currently in decline, “but the best tool that’s available to revert the trend is the energy reform.”



FROM:  Natural Gas Intelligence / Ronald Buchanan / 19 de marzo de 2018