Characteristics of Environmental Liability Insurance.
Social awareness for the damage caused to the environment has greatly increased, so have an Environmental Liability Insurance to back you against possible infringements by your company has become essential. Especially with the implementation of the Law on Environmental Responsibility, based on the principle “polluter pays”.
Environmental Liability Insurance protects you against accidents causing pollution to water, air, land or affect any habitat.
Accidents that jeopardize the company can occur within the insured premises during the transport of dangerous substances or during operation.
We can group the Environmental Liability Insurance in three blocks:
Environmental Insurance land
Insurance for the transport of dangerous substances
Emergency Care
Requiring insurance companies carrying out exploration or extraction of hydrocarbons, crude oil treatment and gas processing must comply with the following characteristics:
Containment contaminants
Mitigation of impacts and environmental damage
Characterization of contaminated sites
Remediation of contaminated sites
Restoration or environmental compensation
In NRGI Broker we have an expert team of Environmental Liability Insurance and risk analysis that will provide comprehensive solutions, with proven products that adapt to suit your needs.
Contact us, we are here to help:
[email protected]
(55) 9177.2100