Tag Archive for: hydrocarbon sector

Interview with Graciela Álvarez, CEO of NRGI Broker

Mexico Oil & Gas Review / July 18


Company bio: NRGI Broker specializes in insurance and surety bonds for the Mexican energy sector. It develops custom-made solutions for companies operating in the energy sector, including vessel, construction and engineering and catastrophic risks.


Q: How has NRGI Broker created market opportunities to expand the reach of its services?

A: I am proud to say that we have played a great role in the implementation of the Energy Reform. We have been standing with our country since the beginning, we trusted the reform and now we have mastered how it works. We are a Mexican broker that  has a broad services portfolio and we have consolidated as the best one in the market We have also established “Voces de Energía”, a forum where experts discuss the reform’s environmental, social and fiscal regulations.

Q: How will NRGI Broker benefit its potential clients and partners going forward?

A: In the long term, we see the company as a consolidated reference in the fields of insurance and sureties for the oil and gas industry. We are savvy about the needs of the companies along the entire value chain in hydrocarbons and we are an established adviser for risk management and on financial regulations. We started strong in offshore, ever since activity began in that area, and now we are talking about moving into onshore. The trend is to set new partnerships for storage, pipelines, clean energies and alike. We are investing in putting our brand’s name out there and showcasing that we offer a full range of services few other companies offer.

Q: What are the Top 3 successes of the Energy Reform?

A: I have a vivid memory of observing the Energy Reform’s application when I was acting as an adviser for ASEA in 2014, which gave me the chance to understand how the reform was set in motion. The first success was the implementation itself, which was accomplished according to the same spectrum of norms, rules and opportunities. The second success was the establishment of strong and transparent organisms to guide the implementation that facilitated the cohabitation of all different players in a single environment, which has grown to represent 18 operators. The third is the 72 percent rate of successful allocation of everything that has been tendered in the licensing rounds, demonstrating the genuine interest that local and foreign companies have in Mexico.

Q: How have local and foreign companies adapted to the new regulations and what have been the major hurdles in this process?

A: Everything comes down to an understanding that we need a unified regulatory framework and this cannot be implemented without looking at international standards. The reform’s planning was based on the experiences of seven countries that underwent similar processes, so it is molded to global requirements. Those international players that recently entered the market are used to these types of regulations since they apply to other territories, while many Mexican companies have previously worked with foreign partners that use those standards. For most local companies, application was not an issue. On the contrary, companies operating in the hydrocarbons sector now have the certainty of working in an environment protected by a well-established regulatory framework.

Q: How has NRGI Broker contributed to changing the local mindset and raising awareness about the need for insurance?

A: We advised ASEA when it conducted a three-year study on the best practices and experiences of Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Norway, the UK and the US that could be applied to the Mexican case. We worked with it every step of the way to establish these rules, from offshore platforms to setting up gas stations, and we developed the administrative dispositions for insurance in the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors. Insurance is required if this industry is to function properly and this mandatory status made things easier for us in terms of application. We are certain about the need to transform the attitude toward insurance and to combine that with our experience, specialization and innovation to offer personalized solutions to our clients.

Q: How will PEMEX’s migration projects make the company more competitive and productive?

A: This is a great strategy for PEMEX to establish investment partnerships that are specialists in how fields work, the reserves included in those fields and the different options to exploit them. This is a long-term investment business that opens the door to new opportunities to turn PEMEX into a more competitive entity. It is a win-win situation. It is important to note that PEMEX gets to keep the land ownership for these migrations; they only allow investment from third parties. One of the company’s future strengths lies in its capitalization and the establishment of partnerships with technology-driven companies. By binding all the parties involved in these type of projects, the companies are forced to bring their A game and deliver on their promises because they would harm themselves if they fell short due to the interdependence ingrained in this framework.

Q: What direction would you like the next administration to follow related to the industry?

A: I hope the next administration understands the implication of keeping the Energy Reform afloat. The reform was meant to contribute to the country and it has been set in motion successfully. The next president should push for new partnerships to continue deepening the reform’s outreach. What is important to understand is that reversing this process would be harmful to the country and it would hurt many companies that have supported and invested in its application.


To read the 2018 edition click here.


Mexico Oil & Gas Review / July 18



The security policy in the hydrocarbons sector

The safety policy of the hydrocarbon sector focuses on two concepts that respond to the environment that may be impacted by the activities developed with hydrocarbons and their derivatives: industrial safety that refers to the external environment and the relationship of the installation with third parties and operational security, referred to the internal scope and related to the installation’s own processes.

In the ASEA Law, Industrial Safety is defined as the multidisciplinary area responsible for identifying, reducing, evaluating, preventing, mitigating, controlling and managing risks in the sector, with the aim of protecting people and the environment.

Operational safety, is understood as the multidisciplinary area that is responsible for the analysis, evaluation, prevention, mitigation, control of the associated risks of the process, which includes the design, construction, startup, operation, normal stoppages, emergency stoppages and maintenance.

As we can see, industrial safety is a broader concept that involves considering not only the installation but its environment, at least where their activities may have some impact, such as the surrounding population, which may suffer damage to their people and to their assets, or the pollution of the environment.

On the other hand, operational safety focuses on internal processes, which must also be procured, in order to avoid damage to the installation and personnel, as well as preventing an accident from reaching greater proportions and also affect industrial safety.

Risks are an inherent part of the activities of the hydrocarbon sector, therefore as part of its security policy, companies must make the decision between retaining and transferring risks. They will generally retain those that may have minor consequences and whose costs do not affect their assets. In the case of risks that can have serious consequences, it is better to transfer them through an insurance.

The insurances that companies in the hydrocarbon sector must contract to complement their industrial and operational safety policy are: 1) well control (exploration and extraction companies); 2) construction and assembly; 3) civil and environmental liability; 4) property damage; 5) electronic equipment; 6) machinery breakage; 7) Boilers and equipment subject to pressure, among others.

If the activities are carried out with vessels, the insurances to be contracted are: 1) hull and machinery, 2) protection and compensation and, if applicable, 3) the charterer’s civil liability.

Each one of these insurances will cover some aspect that will contribute to complement the policy of industrial and operational safety, with the aim of having safer facilities and reducing to the maximum the possibility of an economic detriment to the companies of the sector.


At NRGI Broker, we are experts in insurance for the hydrocarbon sector. Come to us, we will gladly assist you.


La administración de riesgos en el sector hidrocarburos: Almacenamiento y Transporte por ductos

Las terminales de almacenamiento y los ductos son la infraestructura estratégica para lograr el avance y consolidación de la Reforma Energética.

Se trata, por tanto, de un área de oportunidad que seguirá generando nuevas inversiones, pero que a su vez incrementará los desafíos para los inversionistas, así como a las autoridades, principalmente en lo relativo a:

1) Asegurar el suministro energético.

2) Incrementar la competitividad mediante enfoques de menor costo.

3) Proteger a las personas,  las instalaciones y el cuidado del medio ambiente.

Todo ello nos lleva a ser conscientes que en la medida que se incrementen las actividades de toda la cadena de valor de los hidrocarburos, también podemos vernos expuestos a mayores riesgos.

De ahí la importancia  que tiene que las empresas adopten el enfoque de la administración de riesgos en el desarrollo de sus proyectos, para evitar que se produzcan eventos súbitos e indeseados que puedan provocar daños y perjuicios a terceros en sus instalaciones, activos o al bien que nos pertenece a todos, me refiero al medio ambiente y en caso de que suceda el incidente o accidente, los responsables cuenten con las garantías financieras que les permitan tener los recursos necesarios para asumir las responsabilidades y reparar los daños, ese respaldo es posible a través de un  programa de seguros.

Todos estamos expuestos a sufrir un accidente, los riesgos son latentes en todas las actividades de la vida y especialmente en una industria calificada de alto riesgo, como es la de los hidrocarburos.

La diferencia está en la forma en que nos relacionamos con ellos. Si bien, las medidas de prevención y la utilización de los estándares y mejores prácticas internacionales de seguridad industrial y protección del medio ambiente pueden disminuir la frecuencia, son muchos los factores que inciden para que se presente un siniestro y algunos de ellos no se pueden prever, como es el caso de un desastre natural como son los huracanes o terremotos solo por citar algunos.

Con el adecuado programa integral de seguros, las empresas que realizan actividades con hidrocarburos y petrolíferos pueden contar con diversos beneficios:

  • Cumplen con sus responsabilidades legales en caso de causar daños o perjuicios a terceros que muchas veces llegan a ser mayores que el daño directo a los equipos o instalaciones.

    Disponen del respaldo económico que les da la solvencia de las instituciones de seguros, por los riesgos a los que está expuesta la organización o actividad que llevan a cabo, porque los seguros cubren la mayor parte de riesgos del sector hidrocarburos desde la etapa de la exploración, la extracción, la construcción y hasta la operación de las terminales de almacenamiento y los ductos.

  • Protegen el patrimonio del asegurado, ya que en caso de un siniestro, la aseguradora no solo responderá por los daños ocasionados, sino que hace posible que las empresas puedan volver a trabajar sin sufrir un quebranto.
  • Los seguros no inmovilizan capital, pues basta con el pago de la prima para obtener certeza de su vigencia y sus beneficios.

En síntesis los seguros son un aliado estratégico para la operación exitosa de su negocio, que en el mundo entero han probado su eficacia.

En NRGI Broker, somos expertos en seguros. Acércate a nosotros, con gusto te atenderemos.


Oil opening experiences in other countries

Several countries have experienced oil openings for years and their experience might be useful for our country regarding the type of problems they have faced and how they were solved.

In our country, the Energy Reform is young and although its development has been relatively fast and constant compared to other countries, it is important to consider that there will eventually be controversies, either between authorities and contractors, between different contractors or between contractors and its partners.

Recall that what underpins the relationship between these actors is a contract, which according to its legal definition is a will agreement, i.e. both parties accept the terms and conditions. But there are no perfect contracts and this means that in practice there will be differences of interpretation or disagreements regarding new rules.

Especially when it reaches the stage of production where each of the parties will seek to ensure a more determined by their interests.

Disputes between authorities and contractors are generally few, but they earn importance in the media. In countries such as Ecuador, Argentina and Brazil, the most common differences refer to unilateral changes in the contract, price control or lack of timely attention to procedures by the authority.

Regarding disputes between contractors, the most common reason is because they have shared deposits, where there may be a lack of certainty between the rights and obligations of each of the contractors.

Among partners, disputes will usually be because some of them decide to abandon their participation in the field.

The Mexican legislator has to consider the existence of possible conflicts, because of this, the Hydrocarbons Law establishes that the resolution of disputes or arbitration that are signed with national or foreign companies, will be subject to Mexican laws, which is an element of certainty for the authorities and companies, especially for national ones.

At NRGI Broker, we are experts in the hydrocarbon sector and we have strategic allies willing to advise you on the development of oil activities. Come to us, we will gladly assist you.