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Seguros para las actividades de transporte, almacenamiento, distribución y expendio de hidrocarburos y petrolíferos; compresión, descompresión, licuefacción y regasificación de gas natural  

Las empresas que realicen actividades de Transporte, Almacenamiento, Distribución y Expendio de Hidrocarburos y Petrolíferos, así como Compresión, Descompresión, Licuefacción y Regasificación de Gas Natural deben contar con seguros, de acuerdo a las Disposiciones Administrativas de Carácter General en materia de Seguros para dichas actividades, publicadas en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el 23 de julio de 2018 (DAGCS-TADE).

Con ello, la Agencia de Seguridad Industrial y Protección del Medio Ambiente del Sector Hidrocarburos (ASEA) cumple con la atribución que le fue otorgada en el artículo 6, fracción I, inciso c), de su Ley, en donde se establece “el requerimiento de garantías o cualquier otro instrumento financiero para que los Regulados cuenten con coberturas financieras contingentes frente a los daños o perjuicios que pudieran generar” en toda la cadena de valor de los hidrocarburos.

Requerir garantías financieras obedece al hecho de que el sector de los hidrocarburos es particularmente susceptible a experimentar accidentes, ya que el petróleo y el gas natural son considerados sustancias peligrosas, por su potencial para generar incendios, explosiones o contaminación por derrames.

Si bien es cierto que las empresas son cada vez más conscientes de la importancia de implementar programas de administración de riesgos, que les permitan identificar, analizar, controlar, transferir y monitorear los riesgos a los que están expuestas, hay eventos difíciles de predecir o que no pueden ser controlados, como son los desastres naturales o la negligencia y/o impericia de empleados o de terceros.

Es precisamente para esos riesgos que superan las medidas preventivas que el seguro se vuelve el instrumento financiero por excelencia para evitar pérdidas mayores que aquellas derivadas del siniestro, como pueden ser: afectación patrimonial; incumplimiento ante clientes y proveedores; paralización de las actividades y la quiebra.

Actualmente los seguros son reconocidos como una de las mejores prácticas internacionales en materia de seguridad industrial y protección ambiental en el sector hidrocarburos, para reparar los daños y absorber las pérdidas económicas que se puedan derivar de un siniestro.

La publicación de la regulación en materia de seguros de responsabilidad civil y responsabilidad ambiental para las actividades de Transporte, Almacenamiento, Distribución y Expendio de hidrocarburos y petrolíferos, así como Compresión, Descompresión, Licuefacción y Regasificación de Gas Natural establece montos mínimos de seguros para ciertas actividades como el transporte por auto-tanque, buque-tanque y carro-tanque. Para otras actividades cuyas características hacen difícil establecer un estándar, se solicita elaborar un estudio de pérdida máxima probable para determinar la suma asegurada.

Los seguros deberán registrarse ante la ASEA como requisito previo para obtener el permiso correspondiente de la Comisión Reguladora de Energía (CRE).

En NRGI Broker somos expertos en administración de riesgos y seguros y fuimos el consultor de la ASEA para la regulación en materia de seguros de responsabilidad civil y responsabilidad ambiental para Transporte, Almacenamiento, Distribución y Expendio de hidrocarburos y petrolíferos; Compresión, Descompresión, Licuefacción y Regasificación de Gas Natural, por lo que somos la mejor opción para asesorarte.

Acércate a nosotros, con gusto te atenderemos.

[1] Conocido como PML (Probable Maximum Loss), por sus siglas en inglés.


Risk Management

Definition of a risk: “Uncertainty concerning a loss arising due to a given set of circumstances.”

Basic principles of risk:

  1. Do not hold more than you can handle in loss

  2. .B. Do not risk much for little.

  3. Consider probability of events and their potential impact.

  4. There is no “uninsured loss”. “An uninsured loss” is equal to retention rate.

The risks that companies face around the world have drastically changed over the years. Today, in addition to the concerns of traditional risks, such as natural disasters, the risk scenario has expanded to include the risks of damage to reputation, new regulations, compliance, property damage, increased competition as in the case of Mexico, energy reform that opens up the market to private sector. Therefore it is essential to have a program that has a unique profile of risks and exposures. Which it is known as a Risk Management Program.

It is important to establish risk management: “The process of protecting the assets of an organization through an identification and analysis of exposures, controlling exposures, funding losses with internal and external funds, and implementation and monitoring of the process risk management.”

The objectives of risk management in a business include the before, during and after a loss.


  1. The efficiency (competitiveness) and growth

  2. Regulatory / Compliance

  3. Focus on manageable risk

  4. Low deviation of objectives

  5. To promote stability and profit maximization

  6. Cash Flow


  1. Protecting people

  2. Protect assets3. To collect data, information and resources to recover loss / claim (internal and external)

  3. Loss duration estimate / claim and lay out an adequate funding


  1. Survival

  2. Stability (return to efficiency, competitiveness, profit maximization as soon as possible)

  3. Maintain profitability or return to profitability

  4. Maintain growth or return to growth

  5. Good Citizenship / Social Responsibility: we must not pass as “bad,” this may represent expenses (public relations) that were not considered necessary before it occurred further loss (eg environmental disasters)

A risk management program consists of 5 stages

  1. Risk Identification: The process of identifying and examining exposures of an organization     a.Property (Real) b. Human Resources c. Liability d. Net Income / Net Income

  2. Risk Analysis: Evaluation of the potential that the various exposures can have impact on the company; there are two types of analysis                                                       a.Qualitative analysis b. quantitative

  3. Risk Control: Any action or inaction that minimizes consents, at optimal cost, probability, frequency, severity, or the uncertainty of loss                                                             a.Avoid, b. Prevent, c. Reduce, d. Segregating / separating / double, e. Transfer (whether contractual, physical, or both)

  4. Risk financing obtaining internal and external funds to the best possible cost to pay for losses through two modalities

       4.1 Retention: internal funds to finance losses

       4.2 Transfer of responsibility: Insurance

  1. Risk Monitoring: implementation and monitoring of the risk management process

In the phase of risk financing should be noted that retention generates a financial burden on companies, which are convinced that the best way of financing risks is the transfer through insurance, there is no “loss uninsured.” “An uninsured loss” is equal to a traffic jam.

In NRGI Broker, we have an expert team in comprehensive risk management and insurance programs that will provide comprehensive solutions, with proven products, which are tailored to suit your needs

Contact us, we are here to help:

[email protected]
(55) 9177.2100

What is a Fiscal nonconformity bond?

Fiscal Bonds are required by the Tax Authority to ensure compliance with taxpayer obligations of a procedure in the event of a disagreement.

Within the range of the offer in this sector, we find the nonconformity fiscal Deposit, which guarantees the payment of taxes, fees, fines, licenses, etc., while the appeal of inconformity requested by the taxpayer, to have resolved this resource can suspend the administrative enforcement proceedings (AEP) preventing seizure of property or immobilization of bank accounts.

In NRGI Broker, we know that Fiscal Bonds are needed quickly. That is why we are an expert team in bonds that will provide comprehensive solutions, with proven products, which are tailored to suit your needs, just as we maintain partnerships with major surety companies at national and international level, we it allows for various options in time and cost to provide the best support to our customers.

Contact us, we are here to help:

[email protected]
(55) 9177.2100

Safety Investment Remains Resilient Despite Downturn

Oil and gas companies are continuing to invest in safety research despite the current oil price downturn, DNV GL representatives told Rigzone during a recent trip to the firm’s Spadeadam testing and research facility in Cumbria, England.

“Business is tough in the oil and gas sector but committed customers are still investing in safety improvement. They’re still conducting research into major hazards,” said Gary Tomlin, DNV GL UK’s vice president of safety and risk.

Naturally, the level of this investment was slightly hampered by the drop in crude prices, but investment has started to increase over the last couple of months.

“We saw a hiccup and to be honest, it’s inevitable. When the oil price drops from $110 a barrel to $27, you’re kidding yourself if you’re not going to see a hiccup,” said Hari Vamadevan, DNV GL – Oil & Gas’ regional manager for the UK and West Africa.

“We’ve seen a pickup I would say over the last couple of months … oil recovery to $50 has helped a little bit, I think there’s positive cash flows for some companies, but many companies haven’t stopped [investing],” he added.

Investment in this type of research is expected to rise even further over the not too distant future, as the oil price achieves an anticipated rise and oil and gas firms gain more access to expendable income.

From an industry perspective we think … we’ll see an upturn 2017-2018,” said Tomlin. “I think that we’ve plateaued. We are a cyclical oil and gas industry … I think we’ve hit the low point, but we do need to be aware that we still need to control costs,” said Vamadevan. “I think companies will become profitable at $50 and $60 per barrel, and as the price rises I think there will be more investment. So I am hopeful that we will see more activity going forward,” he added.

Oil, Gas Safety Testing ‘Critically Important’

Oil and gas major hazards testing and research was described as critically important by Tomlin, who outlined the significance of Spadeadam for the hydrocarbon sector.

“It’s a unique facility worldwide. There are other facilities like this, but none that do the breadth of the work we do, so it’s something we’re incredibly proud of. The work we do here is of critical importance,” said Tomlin.

DNV GL Spadeadam Testing and Research is designed to carry out full-scale hazardous trials and simulate real-world environments. Situated in 120 acres (50 hectares) of Ministry of Defence land in the north of England, it offers the opportunity to test equipment, components, products, techniques and processes, and to provide data to validate computer models. 

aff at Spadeadam have recreated a number of major accidents at their facility – ranging from the Piper Alpha platform explosion to the Buncefield oil storage terminal fire – to find out exactly what went wrong and help prevent future incidents in the oil and gas industry.

“We’re undertaking research here that helps … [oil and gas companies] understand hazards that they  manage in their facilities, so that they can take measures to limit the risk to their people and their infrastructure,” said Tomlin. “We get people to experience large scale fires and explosions so that they can see and feel the power of these events. They can’t get that anywhere else in the world.”

Most safety lessons in the oil and gas sector come from real world events, said Vamadevan, who highlighted how experiences of this nature can be more useful than theoretical work.

“If you … felt a jet fire, you experience what happens in an explosion, it means you understand it much better than reading in a textbook, seeing a colour contour on a map or seeing a percentage,” Vamadevan told Rigzone.

Copyright: Rig Zone