Benefits of having line bonds

A line of bonds work as a credit line with the surety that allows companies to have sufficient capacity to ensure their contracts short or long term as well as bonds issued shortly benefiting expediting procedures and trade relations.

Line bonds grow in direct the type of guarantees that the client provides surety companies proportion and the timely cancellation of their obligations, so an appropriate mix and quality assurances can negotiate with sureties special lines and sufficient.

The benefits of having a line bond are the following:

  • Subscription advance

  • A quick issuance of the bond.

  • Compliance in delivery times indicated in the contracts

  • Control of obligations and guarantees established.

In NRGI Broker We want to be the strength to your operations bonds, through our personalized service, so we developed assurance programs tailored to each client maximize the capacity strengthening of our customers in the long run.

In NRGI Broker we have an expert team in bonds that will provide comprehensive solutions, with proven products that adapt to suit your needs.


Contact us, we are here to help:

[email protected]
(55) 9177.2100

The importance of documentation and record keeping in the event of an oil well crisis

We have previously said that very few activities during oil well control occur as planned.

It is precisely that point where we derive the importance of always keeping updated records because from these documents can know how to respond to such an eventuality.

The records should be promptly during operation are:

  • Closing pressure: they are not considered as a complication in operations outbreak control, however, some complications may occur if the closing pressures are too high or too low.
  • Circulating Pressure: usually the problem is in the pump and the side of the tube string “U”
  • cursory Gas: It is preferable not close the well, however, when this happens he will empty and if appropriate measures are not taken a lack of control in deep water well can occur.
  • Pump Failures: The speed and cost of the pump are important. If the pump fails for any reason or is not operating properly during well control, it is necessary to change the pump in response to strict procedures.
  • Throttle: A sudden change in pressure can indicate choke a plug below the choke, requiring the pump stops.


To be always prepared before a disaster, aside from maintaining a strict control to maintain updated records, it is important to have insurance for oil Well Control, which it endorses and supports to unforeseen events.

In NRGI Broker we have an expert in Insurance oil Well Control and risk analysis that will provide comprehensive solutions, with proven products, which are tailored to suit your needs equipment.



Contact us, we are here to help:

[email protected]
(55) 9177.2100

Characteristics of Environmental Liability Insurance.

Social awareness for the damage caused to the environment has greatly increased, so have an Environmental Liability Insurance to back you against possible infringements by your company has become essential. Especially with the implementation of the Law on Environmental Responsibility, based on the principle “polluter pays”.

Environmental Liability Insurance protects you against accidents causing pollution to water, air, land or affect any habitat.

Accidents that jeopardize the company can occur within the insured premises during the transport of dangerous substances or during operation.

We can group the Environmental Liability Insurance in three blocks:

  1. Environmental Insurance land

  2. Insurance for the transport of dangerous substances

  3. Emergency Care

Requiring insurance companies carrying out exploration or extraction of hydrocarbons, crude oil treatment and gas processing must comply with the following characteristics:

  • Containment contaminants

  • Mitigation of impacts and environmental damage

  • Characterization of contaminated sites

  • Remediation of contaminated sites

  • Restoration or environmental compensation

In NRGI Broker we have an expert team of Environmental Liability Insurance and risk analysis that will provide comprehensive solutions, with proven products that adapt to suit your needs.

Contact us, we are here to help:

[email protected]
(55) 9177.2100

Complications during well control.

Decontrol wells is generated by an outbreak, which cannot be operated at will, and is classified as:

  • Differential.- happens when formation pressure is greater than the hydrostatic pressure, invading the formation fluids down hole, lifting the column of fluid so that the ejected surface and surface equipment control is not closed .

  • Induced.- is caused by the movement of the pipe, which can probe or lighten the hydrostatic column or fracture the formation to enter complicated the problem by having broken pipes.

Given the lack of control proceeds to apply a specific method of control as the problem that generates it, but the reality is that few actions in the Well Control that occur as they are planned, so it is important to be familiar with complications that can occur during execution of the control.

Below you can find a list of the most common complications:

  • Capping / collapsed the ring

  • covered string

  • Failure of the BOP

  • Failure or damage coating

  • cement plug

  • Misconceptions

  • Complications during circulation of a Kick

  • Excessive pressure casing

  • Unreliable or unavailable reduced pressure

  • Drilling hot

  • Control Considerations Horizontal Wells

  • Hollow or weakness in Tubing

  • Freezing

  • Detection of free point

  • Float valve backpressure in the drill string

  • Fishing

  • Lost Circulation

  • Partial and severe circulation losses

  • Well´s mechanical problems

  • Milling

  • Pipe off the bottom and out of the well

  • Very weak or much corroded pipe

  • Changes in Tanks

  • Bit or clogged funnel

  • Pressure between the strings of coaters

  • Failure pressure gauges

  • Problems beyond the choke

  • Failure or change of pump

  • Reciprocated pipe during Well Control

  • Considerations closure pressures

  • Snubbing in the string or tumbing

  • Paste pipe

  • Telescoping string

Therefore, it is vitally important to always be alert to indicators of pressure, flow and equipment involved to recognize the emergence of outbreaks promptly and react seeking to avoid incidents and be protected with Insurance Well Control we support for any inconvenience.

In NRGI Broker we have an expert in Insurance Well Control and risk analysis that will provide comprehensive solutions, with proven products, which are tailored to suit your needs equipment.


Contact us, we are here to help:

[email protected]
(55) 9177.2100

New provisions for the use of associated natural gas

The new technical provisions emitted by CNH (National Hydrocarbons Commission) came into effect January 8th, which include the use and maximization of  the economic value of associated natural gas in the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons.

The main objective of these provisions is the structuring of programs based on procedures, requirements and criteria to define the goal of taking advantage of natural gas associated by holders of allocations and contracts for exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons, both in non-conventional and conventional deposits.

For this purpose, the CNH will convene through hearings Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) that jointly review manifests or use programs delivered to the Commission. Whatever is derived from the review, a work plan will be established so that in 2016 Pemex can present the Programas de Aprovechamiento de Gas Natural Asociado for each current assignment. PEMEX may refer to the Commission for consideration, modifications to use with the Programas de Aprovechamiento de Gas Natural Asociado as a result of the presentation for approval or modification of plans.

Finally, it is important to mention that these provisions are of general observance and compulsory for oil operators carrying out activities of exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons, which involve extraction and utilization of associated natural gas.

associated natural gas

Mexico’s oil regulator awards, onshore contracts


We are pleased to inform the results of the proposals opening of the third phase of Round One Tender, which bid a total of 25 onshore fields and was attended by 40 national and international companies.

It should be noted that the judgment will take place on December 17th.


Winners Round 1 area I

Winners Round 1 Area II



The Importance of Lloyd’s Market Within the Energy Reform

The iconic Lloyd’s building in London is one of the most emblematic and important places for the insurance industry and it is commonly known as the birthplace of marine insurance throughout the world. It is where vessels, oil rigs and the most complex drilling and construction projects both on land and sea, are protected. 

By: Paulina Meza    Photo: NRGI Broker

e wanted to enter the world of the petroleum risk assurance, that is why we interviewed Graciela Alvarez Hoth, CEO of NRGI Broker in the Lloyd’s building, in front of the iconic  bell that sounds when an important event happens in this market. For some thirty years, Graciela Alvarez has specialized in the placement of insurance and re-insurance coverage of intricate oil related activities for various national and foreign companies.

When asked about the origin of Lloyd’s she replied … “It all started in the Edward Lloyd’s coffee house, as the birthplace of marine insurance during the lat 1600’s where traders and merchants would meet to insure their vessels and cargoes. Today the latest Lloyd’s building is still the focal point of the British insurance industry, but the merchants and traders have been replaced by the world’s most prestigious brokers and solvent insurers but still meeting in a single market place, under the Lloyd’s Franchise.

It is in Lloyd’s where we place the reinsurance through one of the companies of Grupo Vitesse, its reinsurance broker specialized in the full spectrum of risks as required by the energy industry in Mexico, an activity that nowadays has a high importance due to the global best practices which will become obligatory for all companies and corporations involved with contracts within the Energy Reform in our country.

Our expertise in the design of comprehensive insurance programs to cover the risks assumed by companies in the oil fields, and complex activities performed daily in this industry have allowed us to successfully face the moment of truth, when you have to attend a major claim, highlighting and demonstrating the importance of being well insured.

The result of working with professionalism, efficiency, passion and loyalty over the years in the oil industry, has given us the expertise and capacity to respond as we enter a new era, not only to oil companies, but also to advise companies in all sectors of the energy market be it renewable or traditional.

In NRGI Broker we have the commitment to exceed excellence in service, it is our best guarantee to meet the expectations of the most demanding customers who will need support in order to fulfill one of the most important requirements being established within the Energy Reform – being the best global practices in insurance”. Alvarez Hoth emphasized.

lloyds energy reform


Acceptance of surety bonds in contracts of Third Call for Round 1

In order to make contracts more attractive for bidding on the third call for Round 1, last november 11, the press release No. 129 was issued by the Ministry of Energy (SENER), Secretariat Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) and the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) where they unveiled modifications to the conditions and the model contract for the extraction of hydrocarbons in 25 onshore fields in the states of Chiapas, Nuevo Leon, Tabasco, Tamaulipas and Veracruz.

In this newsletter is mentioned as one of the main changes, the use of the performance bond, in addition to the bank letter of credit as instruments to guarantee the obligations of the contractor during the evaluation period referred in clause 16.

The adjustments and changes are based on international best practices to provide legal certainty for operators and ensure greater investment. This achievement was the result of the efforts of a multidisciplinary team, which NRGI was actively involved in the negotiations to adapt a special surety bond wording bonds, at the request of the authorities, in order to have an effective instrument to give certainty on the debt recovery to the SHCP in case of non-compliance of the minimum work program, undertaken by new oil operators in Round 1 contracts.

This effort was headed by a surety company leader, who in turn lobbied with other mexican surety associations to achieve acceptance of the conditions of this surety bond in the contract bidding for the third call for Round 1.

Given the importance of this note the surety bond conditions are summarized in the following image:

condiciones de la fianza ing

It should be noted that the final version will be released on November 20, 2015 , the opening of proposals on December 15 and the declaration of the winners on December 17.

In NRGI Broker aware of the importance of this great achievement that expands opportunities for contractors of the Round 1 , we offer our extensive knowledge in the administration of guarantees under preferential conditions , and a recognized financial expertise to optimize the surety bond capacity.

Contact us, we are here to help you.

[email protected]

+52 (55)91772100


Graciela Álvarez, Chief Executive Officer of NRGI Broker

“We know perfectly how Mexico works, not only from a risk point of view, but also in terms of how the Mexican government and the regulators are setting the pace of this reform” Graciela Álvarez, Chief Executive Officer of NRGI Broker

Interview for Mexico Oil & Gas Review

Grupo Vitesse with their specialized new division NRGI Broker (Energy Insurance Broker) is a boutique firm targeting clients who want a personal advisor, either because they are new to the industry or because they want to pay close attention to the details in their business. The most important thing for NRGI Broker’s clients is that the firm has been at the forefront of the oil and gas sector for 25 years and is well acquainted with PEMEX. Having been active for a third of Mexico’s contemporary petroleum history, the firm witnessed the booming of the Sound of Campeche, where the largest field in the country, Cantarell, is located. “I was there at that time securing the EPC1, EPC2, and EPC3 contracts that gave rise to the Cantarell project,” shares Graciela Álvarez, Chief Executive Officer of NRGI Broker. She says a new period has now begun for NRGI Broker, as the firm seeks to consolidate itself in the shallow waters niche while keeping an eye out for any deepwater opportunities that might arise.

However, the capacity required to cover risks in deepwater operations is higher given the kind of incidents that could occur. Risks are lower for shallow waters, as operations are less complex. Certain international insurers are highly specialized in deepwater, a segment that is new to Mexico, where they will be able to make their niche. In addition, international insurers will find their mark in Mexico, according to Álvarez. This is because they have already tamed the challenging climactic conditions of the North Sea and overcome the socio-political risks of the Persian Gulf.

Another issue is that insurance companies are concerned about the accumulation of risks that will result from the number of platforms that are estimated to come into the same basin and the probability of hurricanes or wind storms. Despite these issues, NRGI Broker believes it will find working in Mexican deepwaters to be a familiar setting. “In Mexico, everything that has to do with the sea or subsoil is placed in foreign markets as a way to diversify risks, which is what we do through reinsurance. That is a normal and standard practice worldwide,” Álvarez comments.

For NRGI Broker, the opening of the sector comes at a great time as the company has spent years attaining knowledge and creating trust from its local customers. Their client list is made up of PEMEX contractors as well as oil and gas industries around the world through reinsurers. Alvarez states, “Our position has enabled the group to become a benchmark. We know perfectly how Mexico operates; not only from a risk point of view, but also in terms of how the Mexican government and the regulators are setting the overall pace of this Energy Reform.”

Álvarez is aware of the expectations surrounding the Energy Reform, and of the investment possibilities this brings about to oil companies, particularly those involved in deepwaters. However, the devaluation of the Mexican peso, the drop in the price of oil per barrel in the global market, and PEMEX’s budget cuts are affecting the entire industry. In fact, many of NRGI Broker’s long-term clients are now experiencing liquidity problems. “They had great expectations, so they hired senior professionals and made large investments to be ready to continue working competitively,” tells Álvarez. “The price drop and cuts to PEMEX’s budget cannot go unnoticed and the situation affects us all tremendously.”

The oil industry is globally regulated and based on international safety standards. Insurance and security go hand in hand and, according to Álvarez, the entry of new players will spark positive changes. In terms of maintenance, I assume PEMEX will do what it has to do internally, and will be open to participating with foreign players in shallow water operations.” Nevertheless, she points out that the global industry is not well aware of PEMEX’s internal mechanisms. “It has traditionally been a paternalistic company that did provide some coverage to its contractors, but nowhere near enough to satisfy an insurer,” she adds. However, the Energy Reform will force players, including PEMEX, to make proper risk management plans. If not, the NOC and IOCs would risk being in serious trouble if an accident occurred without the proper coverage being in place.


Two of the 14 shallow-water Gulf of Mexico blocks on offer in the first phase of Mexico’s historic Round One oil auction were awarded, both to a consortium featuring a domestic company.shutterstock_923929

Mexico is starting small with its offer of shallow-water fields and onshore blocks this year and saving the big prizes – deep-water fields in the Gulf of Mexico – for later tenders.

Both of the blocks awarded on Wednesday were won by a consortium made up of Mexico’s Sierra Oil & Gas, Houston-based Talos Energy and Britain’s Premier Oil plc.

One of them covers a 194-sq.-kilometer (75-sq.-mile) area off the coast of the Gulf coast state of Veracruz and is projected to contain light oil and dry gas.

The other covers a 465-sq.-kilometer (180-sq.-mile) area off the Gulf coast state of Tabasco and was contested by four other bidders: Norway’s Statoil, U.S.-based Hunt Overseas Oil Company, Argentina’s E&P Hidrocarburos y Servicios and a consortium made up of Italy’s ENI International and U.S.-based CASA Exploration.

The other 12 blocks either received no bids or had offers that were below the minimum 40 percent of pre-tax profits demanded by Mexico’s Finance Secretariat.

Eighteen individual companies and seven consortia had been pre-qualified for Round One’s first phase, but only nine registered on Wednesday and only seven submitted bids for at least one of the blocks.

The initial batch of 14 Gulf of Mexico blocks – located off the coasts of Veracruz, Tabasco and Campeche states – were placed on offer in the first of five phases of Round One, which comprises a total of 169 onshore and offshore blocks.

The second phase of Round One, in which nine shallow-water fields will be on offer, is scheduled to take place on Sept. 30, while the third phase consisting of 26 onshore blocks is to be held on Dec. 15.

The final two phases of Round One still have no established timetable.

Pemex, which obtained 83 percent of Mexico’s proven and probable reserves and 21 percent of its potential resources in a so-called “Zero Round” of non-competitive bidding last year, said last week it would not participate in the initial phase of Round One.

Mexico’s government is looking to the energy overhaul to attract tens of billions of dollars in investment and reverse a roughly 30 percent decline in Mexico’s oil output, which peaked at 3.38 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2004 and currently stands at roughly 2.3 million bpd.